Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Professional Education and Certification Institute (LPSP) held a meeting with the leadership of the National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (Lemhannas RI) at the Lemhannas Office, Central Jakarta, on Monday, 7 November 2023.
The UNESA meeting was attended by Dr. Karwanto, S.Ag., M.Pd. as Head of the Training Center and Dr. Hasan Subekti, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Secretary of the UNESA LPSP Education and Training Center in the context of initiating cooperation, especially in the program to strengthen national values for lecturers and educational staff within UNESA.
Karwanto revealed that this visit brought several missions, especially the UNESA LPSP Training Center among them; 1) potential for cooperation; 2) how is the management of training and training at Lemhannas in general; and, 3) potential strategies for strengthening state defense. “Currently we have a national defense program. "That's what we are strengthening," he said.

Hasan Subekti added, with this visit, he hopes that a strong synergy can be established between UNESA and Lemhannas, especially in strengthening national values in the higher education environment.
In his speech, TNI Vice Admiral Maman Firmansyah, Deputy Governor of Lemhannas, expressed the importance of collaboration regarding strengthening national insight between Lemhannas and universities.
The high-ranking TNI-AL officer gave direction in education related to; 1) preparation of National leadership; 2) studies for policies related to national problems; and, 3) strengthening national insight.
This, according to him, is in line with the development of educational methodology and pedagogy to strengthen national values. This is also one of the potential synergies between Lemhannas and UNESA.
Major General Major General TNI, Agus Arif Fadilah, Deputy for Strengthening National Values, Lemhannas explained that the program for strengthening national values is divided into two parts , namely programs funded by the APBN budget and programs that use the cooperation budget.
He explained that programs with the APBN budget are divided into several activities such as Development of the Strengthening of National Values (one week), ToT, Evdam ( Impact Evaluation) and Dirsosmed (talk shows, celebrations).
Meanwhile, for programs that use a cooperation budget, the program is based on a cooperation agreement whose budget is accommodated by the organizer. "One of them could be a cooperation agreement or PKS which must go through a certain organization," he added.
This meeting was also attended by Colonel Paiman, Head of Rohumas Protocol and Coverage Section, and Colonel Agus Salim, Head of Foreign Cooperation Division , Legal Cooperation Bureau, Lemhannas. []
Author : Hasna
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Team Documentation LPSP
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