Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA–In order to welcome students of the Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program, the Institute for Professional Education and Certification (LPSP) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a PPG Orientation Training The first wave of prajab at the LPSP Building, UNESA Lidah Wetan Campus on Monday, 11 September 2023.
Deputy Chancellor for Education, Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., on that occasion emphasized the importance of prospective teachers in understanding the ethics of technology and digital literacy skills in the era of society 5.0.
"Teachers are required to be able to integrate existing technology as a learning medium. Innovation in "learning must continue to be generated. Don't just keep following. But you must be able to lead and innovate," he said.
The FMIPA professor continued, in 2022, UNESA will produce the most PPG graduates compared to other campuses. "The hope is that PPG Prajab this period will be able to pass 100 percent and in order to prepare the PPG Prajab program, UNESA will increase collaboration with various partners," he added.
In this activity, the Head of the Surabaya City Education Office, Ir. Yusuf Masruh, MM. In his speech, he said that the government was ready to facilitate the existence of PPG Prajab at UNESA. With this program, the government hopes to increase the competency of prospective teachers in Indonesia.
“All students can implement their scientific discipline later at school. We are ready to facilitate. "The hope is that PPG students can become examples that can motivate all students to have the will to pursue their dreams as high as possible," he said.
LPSP Director, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., emphasized that teachers are the key to the 2045 golden Indonesia mission. According to him, teachers must fulfill 2 requirements, namely qualifications and competence. A bachelor's degree is a sign of meeting the qualifications, then competency is achieved through professional education.
"Right now we are prioritizing professional teacher education, because in the future, all teachers will have to be certified educators. After that, continuing their education to a higher level will be even more noble," he said.
Head of PPG Center, Drs. Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi, M.Pd., in his report said that this activity was a continuation of PPG Prajab which had been carried out in 2 waves in 2022.
This year UNESA received a quota of 1,099 PPG Prajab students in the first wave. The second wave will start in early December.
PPG Secretary, Dr. Julianto, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Muhammad Reza, S.Psi, M.Sc., as presenters at this activity delivered material related to the 2023 PPG Prajab lectures. Apart from that, material related to the Learning Management System (LMS) was also delivered. ) delivered by Agus Pramono S, as head of the PPG Unesa IT team and Ronggo Alit, S.Kom, MM., MT.
In PPG Prajab 2023, there are three types of courses that students must take. The courses in PPG Prajab consist of core courses formulated by the Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, selective courses formulated by each study program, and elective courses.
UNESA PPG Prajab elective courses consist of fitness which will be implemented in semester 1 and inclusive education which will be implemented in semester 2.
“This year, PPG Prajab will have elective courses in accordance with UNESA's advantages, namely in the fields of fitness and inclusive education. "When they graduate, students will get 3 accompanying certificates, namely fitness, inclusion and TEP certification to describe students' English language skills," he explained. [*]
Reporter: Erza Angelia Putri
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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