Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - After carrying out the implementation activities of the School Field Introduction (PLP) in schools for five weeks now the activity enters the monitoring stage carried out by LP3M Unesa (14/08) . In this monitoring carried out in two places Madiun and Kediri. In order for this implementation to be efficient and well implemented LP3M Unesa divided it into six groups. Four groups are divided in madiun and two groups in Kediri.
According to the Chairperson of LP3M Unesa Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri M.Pd. this monitoring was carried out to obtain information on the implementation of PLP in schools well implemented. As well as obtaining input and constraints from the tutor teacher and the school as an evaluation material for the implementation of PLP.
& ldquo; This monitoring is to obtain information as consideration for evaluating the implementation of PLP. From there we will fix from what point will be repaired & rdquo; said Bachtiar.
One of the schools that was monitored was SMPN 1 Madiun. According to Jari Mintoadi as a teacher of Sport subject teachers Unesa students who carry out PLP in their schools in terms of science are very good. But for the mastery of the class still needs to be improved.
& ldquo; I really appreciate the knowledge that Unesa students have so that we can be like friends to exchange knowledge but in class mastery they must be more active in learning & rdquo; Mintoadi said.
In this case Bachtiar emphasized that the implementation of PLP was different from PPL. PLP is just an observation activity or observation and apprenticeship conducted by undergraduate education students to study aspects of learning and management of education in schools. In its activities PLP aims to directly observe school culture organizational structure and school rules observe school activities and help teachers prepare teaching materials. While PPL is more into the process of class mastery.
Meanwhile Andhika Reza as a Javanese Language Education student said that the implementation of PLP in schools is very good. Reza believes that in this activity there is a lot of new knowledge that he gained such as direct teaching experience even though he was still accompanied by a tutor how to understand the character of students carry out student activities well and so on.
& ldquo in this activity although at the beginning I was a little nervous to meet face to face with students but with the guidance of my tutor teacher little by little the nervous feeling began to fade & rdquo; said Reza. (why)
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