Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - In order to improve the main work indicators (IKU) of UNESA, the Institute for Learning and Professional Development (LP3) held training on the Implementation of PBL, PjBL and WBL Based Innovative Learning on Wednesday, February 9, 2022. The activity was held online and attended by all lecturers.
Head of LP3 UNESA, Dr. H. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd said that one of the objectives of the activity was to create an innovative, collaborative and participatory learning atmosphere. According to him, the times accompanied by a number of demands require universities to be responsive and provide solutions to various situations.
Demands and needs develop, the curriculum continues to develop, the packaging of learning or lectures must continue to develop both in terms of planning, implementation design and evaluation. "Hopefully this activity is useful and becomes a provision in realizing quality UNESA classes," said the UNESA Curriculum Expert.
As a presenter, Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., Head of the UNESA Educational Technology Doctoral Program (TP) explained that current developments do require a number of adjustments in higher education. One of them is the adjustment of the implementation of education and learning which should shift to the theory of connectivism.
The learning theory developed by George Siemens and Steven Down 'views' that learning does not only occur within a person, but within and across networks. Learning is also defined as knowledge that can be acted upon and can be outside oneself, in an organization or database.
“Information sources are now abundant and technology is emerging. How can this be accommodated so that it becomes a medium and source of learning that allows the realization of effective, innovative and collaborative learning, "explained the UNESA Education Technology expert.
He added, it is necessary to equalize perceptions in interpreting RPS in terms of form, method, and project-based student assignments. Several learning models that can be applied are project based learning (PjBL), problem based learning (PBL) and work based learning (WBL).
After the material delivery session, the participants then received briefing and editing tutorials and uploading the RPS. Then in the final session, all participants discussed through a breakout room to prepare RPS based on the criteria that had been submitted. [UNESA PR]
Author: Laurita Maudia
Editor: @zam*
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