Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Faculty Language and Arts (FBS) Surabaya State University (Unesa) received a visit from the German Embassy at Building T14 FBS, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan on Thursday, 19 September 2024.
To the German Ambassador, FBS Dean Syafi'ul Anam explained and introduced the Undergraduate German Language and Literature Education Study Program (Prodi), and the German Literature Undergraduate Study Program. Starting from the educational curriculum, number of students, student activities, to student organizations.
According to him, many students are interested in studying German culture and language, so they need lots of internship opportunities to Germany for the sake of equal distribution of human resources in the industrial sector.

The German Ambassador and his staff together with the FBS Dean and his staff.
“Opportunity internships in Germany are actually quite widely available. "Considering that Germany's demographic condition is similar to Japan, namely a decline in population, this has an impact on the shortage of labor in that country," he said.
Not only that, according to him, the addition of native German or native speaking lecturers lectureris also needed to strengthen the academic and non-academic fields in the two study programs.
German Ambassador to Indonesia, Ina Lepel during the visit really appreciated the academic system and flow implemented by the Undergraduate Study Program German Language and Literature Education, and Bachelor of German Literature at FBS UNESA.

German Ambassador Ina Lepel directly inspected lecture activities and discussed with students of the Bachelor of Language and Education Study Program German Literature, and Bachelor of German Literature
"The German language education process is an effort to promote German culture in Indonesia, especially at UNESA," he said.
Ina Lepel expressed her commitment to providing support for several programs that will be collaborated with future, especially to facilitate the activities of German language students at UNESA through DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) and other institutions.
Ina Lepel wants to open wide opportunities for collaboration with the two study programs regarding the need for additional native lecturer Germany at UNESA.
For information, this visit was attended by the German Consulate General for Surabaya, namely Christopher Tjokrosetio. Apart from that, lecturers from Bachelor of German Language and Literature Education and Bachelor of German Literature also attended and participated in the discussion session. (*)
Reporter: Dewanda (Internship), and Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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