Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA--Surabaya State University (UNESA) received a visit from members of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) of Udayana University (Unud) on Thursday 7 September 2023. They were welcomed by members of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) at T14 Meeting Room, Lidah Wetan Campus.
Dr. Heny Subandiyah, M.Hum., Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance, Resources, General Affairs, Cooperation, and Communication and Information Technology, said that this visit was aimed at discussing potential collaboration that could enrich educational and research experiences at both institutions.
"Every higher education institution, especially faculties, definitely has the desire to be able to meet the targets listed in the 6th Main Performance Indicator (IKU) in the field of collaboration, of which UNESA certainly has its own tricks," he said.
Regarding In the discussion, he said that not all activities related to cooperation could be formally recognized. Sometimes there are several parts of an activity that make a collaboration unable to be recognized.
Apart from several activities, there are several criteria that must be met in carrying out a collaboration, especially in educational institutions such as universities.
< p>In the discussion session, Heny also revealed that his party would carry out regular regeneration regarding human resources (HR) within the scope of faculties and Study Programs (Prodi). So that there are no institutional difficulties related to differences between groups. Apart from that, regeneration will also make an institution experience renewal in various fields.Kanya Catya, S.T., M.A., lecturer at the Bachelor of Visual Communication Design Study Program who was also present on that occasion, explained the criteria for agencies that become partners cooperation. If the partner is a company, it can be taken from a multinational company or even a technology startup.
For agencies that are easy to collaborate with, namely BUMN and BUMD, where UNESA has collaborated with several of these partners. "For UNESA itself, the target is a minimum of 10 partners for each study program per year, and it is hoped that there will be more in the coming year," he explained.
Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Unud, Prof. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum. said that UNESA, as the purpose of his visit, was considered capable of establishing areas of cooperation. He was convinced of this because UNESA had won several awards, one of which was at IKU 6 some time ago.
"We usually carry out monitoring and evaluation related to cooperation, and during outreach with relevant ministries last time we were also proposed to look and learn directly with UNESA," he explained.
In the near future, he will fix several systems related to the field of cooperation, starting from the required documents to staffing. He will improve staffing such as UNESA which also has representatives from each study program related to cooperation. [*]
Reporter: Muhammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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