Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The lively commemoration of Kartini Day, April 21, 2022, echoed in various social media. The words of speech color the status to the story. This historic and special day for Indonesian women, of course, should not be limited to mere ceremonial and speech. However, it must be interpreted as a moment of reflection as well as to strengthen the position and movement of women's empowerment in the future.
KBG Case Up
As a material for reflection, there are several notes that must be a common concern for the current condition of women. Although women's access to education is getting better. However, gender inequality still shackles women. Reporting from the Komnas Perempuan website, there will be an increase in cases of gender-based violence (KBG) against women in 2021 with a total of 338,496 cases. While in 2020 there were around 226,062 cases.
Apart from these cases, there are also many cases in other forms. This indicates that there is still gender inequality in society. According to the Secretary of the Center for Gender and Child Studies (PSGA) UNESA, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, to realize a gender-sensitive social structure and culture in the midst of a deep-rooted patriarchal culture is not easy.
“Women are still seen as low objectification. Plus the phenomenon of the glass ceiling as a barrier or preventing women from occupying higher positions,” he said.
Therefore, it needs awareness and movement of many parties, including the government, related institutions and organizations, including women themselves. The meaning of Kartini Day, she continued, should be seen as strengthening the awareness movement and empowering women. That way, the celebration of Kartini Day can really have an impact on improving the condition of women according to RA's struggle. Kartini, first.

Become a Modern Kartini
The UNESA Communication Studies Study Program lecturer added that at this moment, women must embody the value of Kartini's struggle in everyday life. Starting from the smallest and of course from yourself. How to become a modern Kartini? First, women must have an early adopter mindset or educate themselves and hone various current competencies. "That way, women can face social changes and are able to make various decisions without feeling inferior and not feeling like a second class," he explained.
Second, equip yourself with setting measurable goals, based on a mature plan and continuing Kartini's struggles through various works and innovations. "A strong woman is a woman who can recognize herself, so that women with all their assets, capabilities and thoughts are implemented wisely and according to their portions," he explained.
Third, build a support system that increasingly encourages women to work and innovate and to be involved in the empowerment movement. According to him, it was the spirit, struggle and work that made Kartini able to inspire the nation and women until now and even later. Therefore, to be Kartini is to be a woman who is empowered and works. Happy Kartini's Day! [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam*
Photo by Ihsan Adityawarman from Pexels and Unesa Public Relations documentation
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