Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-There are many ways that can be done to fill and commemorate Kartini Day which falls on April 21, 2021. One of them can be by holding a webinar as conducted by Dharma Wanita Persatuan Universitas Negeri Surabaya (DWP Unesa) through DWP Sub-Unit of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Unesa on Saturday (4/24/2021).
The webinar carried the theme "Kartini in the Era of Society 5.0: Opportunities and Challenges" which was attended by Members of the House of Representatives of Commission IX Arzeti Bilbina, S.E., M.Ap as Keynote Speaker and Professor of Unesa Prof. Dr. Hj. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd. as Speaker.
Yuni Indriani, S.P., M.M, chief executive of the activity explained, specifically Kartini Day, DPW Unesa held two activities at once, namely social service at Al-Hasan orphanage and webinar. "We want to fill Kartini Day with something productive and touch the community directly on its benefits," he said.
Meanwhile, DWP Chairman Unesa Dra. Hj. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., explained that it is appropriate in every kartini day commemoration, her spirit and struggle can continue to be inherited by Indonesian women.
"From Kartini we learn the meaning of life, the meaning of women and the real struggle," he said. "Even though Kartini is gone, but her spirit, mind, and struggle will still live in every soul and body of Indonesian women," she continued.
Rector of Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes who is also the trustee of DWP Unesa said that women have an important role in all lines. There are at least five important roles of women, namely psychological, economic, social, physical, and ecological.
The man commonly called Cak Hasan told Indonesian women, especially DWP Unesa members, to be adaptive in adjusting in the era of the covid-19 pandemic and be able to create, innovate and collaborate with other tough women in providing the best for their families, communities, nations, and countries.
In her presentation, Arzeti Bilbina, S.E., M.Ap., explained that there are boundaries between women and men in education and careers. "The problem and challenge of women in the era of society is how to compete with the role of men while minimizing the inequality that still exists in the community such as access to education and health" she said.
Meanwhile, Luthfiyah Nurlaela explained, the era of society is a momentum that must be used by women to work in various fields such as the digital industry. "Digital literacy for women needs to be considered especially on how to utilize the technology in everyday life," she said. (Nov/zam)
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