Chair of the University Academic Senate (SAU) and Deputy Chancellor for Division IV UNESA and the team welcomed the visit of the Unindra team.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The leadership of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) welcomed the visit of the Indraprasta PGRI University (Unindra) team in the Meeting Room on the 8th floor of the Rectorate Building, Campus 2, Lidah Wetan, on Wednesday, November 20 2024. The meeting was to discuss academic and research cooperation , and arts and culture.
The agreed cooperation includes, among others; PhD cooperation in the field of research collaboration, sharing governance regarding tracer study, and cooperation in the field of arts and culture: shadow puppet performances, which will be held next February.
Deputy Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Martadi welcomed this collaboration. According to him, this collaboration can strengthen UNESA's excellence in the academic and arts and culture fields.
"We have a research collaboration program, which allows the two universities to carry out joint research projects," said the UNESA Education expert.
Lecturer and study program coordinator, Suhartono, explained what programs Unindra could obtain from this collaboration. “Our S-3 has two different classes; international or in a foreign language, and regular classes in Indonesian. "However, we are preparing a special class if Unindra collaborates," he said.
In the sharing session on the governance of tracer study or alumni tracking, the Deputy Dean for Field I, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS ), Didik Nurhadi, explained that tracer study functions to find out the latest information regarding the distribution of UNESA alumni.
"Later, we can contact these alumni again if the campus needs them," he said .
Apart from that, he also said that UNESA does not just develop alumni, but also develops students who are currently studying to become outstanding and successful students. So, the alumni's track record is clear and good.
Tulus Widjayanto, Head of the Collaboration and Alumni Bureau at Unindra, said that the three programs discussed at this hearing were the first step towards better cooperation in the future.
Apart from that, Unindra will collaborate with UNESA to hold shadow puppet performances; with performances by two well-known puppeteers and several supporting performances from UNESA. "If possible, this performance will take place in mid-February," he said.[*]
Reporter; Retno Nurus Sholekha (Internship), and Dewanda Puspita (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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