Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – In commemoration of Heroes' Day and the 56th Anniversary of Unesa, the 804 Student Regiment Unit (hereinafter referred to as Menwa) held a national webinar with the theme "Synergy to Counter the Radical Danger of Terrorism in Higher Education" on Tuesday (10/11). Two speakers were presented in this activity, they are Police Brigadier General, Drs. H. Herwan Chaidir, as Director of Protection of the National Counterterrorism Agency and Ali Fauzi Manzi, M.Pd. I., as Director of the Peace Circle Foundation.
Apart from the two speakers, this activity was also attended by the Commander of the East Java Mahasurya Student Regiment, Dr. Untung Lasiyono, S.E., M.Sc. and opened by the Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes.
Unesa Menwa Advisor, Dr. Theodorus Wiyanto Wibowo, M.Pd., said that apart from commemorating the activities as mentioned above, this activity is held online since it is cannot be carried out face-to-face. In addition, the theme taken is expected to be able to make a positive contribution in the new normal era, so that it can increase unity and love for the nation.
Likewise, Untung Lasiyono, Commander of the East Java Mahasurya Regiment, said that a pandemic is unavoidable. However, even in a pandemic situation, activities must still be carried out online, especially by carrying out a theme like this to increase love for the Republic of Indonesia. "We hope that through this kind of activity, Menwa can become smarter, more innovative and able to understand the environment in an integral way," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes, hopes that this activity can create ideas that can provide innovation, especially for students in understanding radicalism. "Hopefully the presence of these speakers will have a good impact on the younger generation, so that we can create peace, especially in the campus area. Apart from that, we can also detect from the beginning the concept of radicalism that has emerged on campus, so that the campus can avoid radicalism," said Agus.
Ali Fauzi—who explained the pattern of recruiting terror groups in Indonesia then and now and the efforts to deal with them—said that terrorism is an organization that wants to overthrow Indonesia and replace it with philosophies. Ali also revealed that radicalism occurs through a process.
"Radicalism is not a product of a short decision, but the result of a long process that slowly pushes someone to commit to acts of violence in the name of God," he said. Amrozi's younger brother who had also been exposed to radicalism, Ali said that this was a complication disease. "The roots of terrorism are not singular, they are even interrelated. Therefore, the method of handling it cannot be done using a single method, it takes a specialist doctor and also a prevention campaign from people who have experienced this disease," he added.
Seeing the rate of radicalism today, Herwan Chaidir explained that the Protection of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) always strives to maintain a balance so that radicalism does not develop. Therefore, it takes the care of the public to participate in fighting radicalism. "BNPT invites all scholars, figures, Pesantren students to think about creating a better and peaceful Indonesia, so that there will be well-prepared new generations who are ready to lead the country," he said.
Herwan Chaidir also revealed that if it is right for us to respect history, so that we are aware that this nation’s independence was obtained through a long struggle and it should not be easily divided by issues. "Let us fill this independence with a peaceful life. The existing differences should not be used to fight the country," he concluded. (ay)
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