Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–Surabaya State University's Faculty of Languages and Arts continues to facilitate the development of student potential to an international level, one of which is through student exchange cooperation with Walailak University, Thailand in the International Credit Transfer (ICT) program. The Opening Ceremony of the activity was held on Friday (11/6/2021).
In the event which was held online, Dr. Trisakti, M.Si as the Dean of FBS, Dr. Mintowati, M.Pd. as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Henny Subandiyah, M. Hum, as Head of the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature, Dr. Surana as the Head of Javanese Language Education, FBS ICT Coordinator-Mamik Tri Wedawati, FBS-Mukhzamilah Cooperation Team, Kanya and Abdur Rosyid, experienced lecturer in Walailak, Octo Dendy, and FBS students selected in the activity.
From Walailak University, attended by Asst. Prof. Dr. Somjintana Koompai as lecturer Deputy Dean of the School of Political Science and Law at Wailailak University, Asst, Prof. Dr. Somchai Bedajaroen, Head of Political Science, and Mr. Hoang Nguyen Huy, and Mrs. Pensri Panich.
Mukhzamilah, as the Unesa FBS Cooperation Team said that the program is part of the implementation of MBKM at Unesa, where students at each university will take or get experience outside of campus, including opportunities to develop themselves on campuses abroad.
According to him, the ICT program is an opportunity for Unesa to send its best students to learn many things and network to strengthen overseas connections. The ICT program, he continued, was the realization of the MoU of cooperation that had been signed between Unesa and Walailak University previously. "This collaboration has taken place several years ago and hopefully the cooperative relationship will be stronger and more productive so that it can have an impact on the quality and quality of each campus," he hoped.
He added that there were 12 Unesa students who took part in the ICT program, three from the Javanese Language Department, two from the Indonesian Literature Study Program, and seven more from the Indonesian Literature and Education Study Program. The students will later take online lectures in two courses, namely English for Asean's Cross Cultural Communication and Indonesian Fundamentals which will be conducted online.
Dr. Trisakti, M.Si conveyed his extraordinary support for the internationalization activity. "Hopefully this collaboration will get better in the future. And we will also be happy to welcome the arrival of students from Walailak University as previously collaboration through the BIPA program has been carried out, this is the time for Unesa students to gain experience studying at Walailak University, "he concluded.
Mukhzamilah hopes that students can take advantage of and maximize these opportunities so that they truly have the ability and quality of international standards. "Don't forget to prepare mentally well and always interact with fellow students, and must be able to adapt to the teaching system that may be different out there," he said. "Difference is not a problem, it is an opportunity to learn a lot, gain experience and will give Unesa its own color," he added. (Hasna)
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