Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-As many as 10 students from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) have passed the International Credit Transfer Scholarship (ICT) 2021 program. These students will have the opportunity to study at elite campuses abroad for one semester.
Head of UNESA International Affairs Office, Asrori, M. Pd. Stating that ICT is one of the programs from Belmawa Dikti that provides student exchange opportunities for students. The program is one of the important elements in the implementation of Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM).
Asrori added, the semester credit unit system (SKS) in the program, namely credits taken by students at the destination campus, will be converted into credits from the home campus. "In this program, our students passed along with students from 113 other universities in Indonesia," he explained.
The selection of ICT programs is indeed quite challenging and very tight. It takes readiness from various sides and participants must be able to pass step by step with consistency and optimism. This is because each university has a maximum quota of 10 students.
“We (UNESA's Office of International Affairs, ed) recruit study programs that have cooperation with overseas campuses, then an internal selection is carried out. The results are then submitted to Belmawa Dikti and selected again,” he explained.
He hopes that there will be more programs that provide opportunities for students to study and develop themselves at foreign campuses in the future, so that UNESA students have a great opportunity to get a chance. “Don't waste the opportunity to learn wherever it is. Live it and do your best for a better result and future."
One of the students who passed the ICT selection, Ichda Nafila, a student of the Science Education study program, UNESA said that she was quite happy to be able to pass the program. He will take advantage of the opportunity as best he can to deepen his scientific field at the destination campus.
Ichda Nafila does have a dream to be able to study abroad through scholarships. That's why he kept learning and trying and trying to join the ICT program and then it paid off. "Finally, after struggling, the dream was achieved and thank God," he said. Currently, Ichda Nafila is preparing complete documents and administration before leaving for the destination campus, Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia.
“A big thank you to the lecturers who guided from the beginning of registration to passing the selection. At first it was difficult, because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, UNESA studied online, I was also taking exams, I had to go back and forth to campus to take care of documents. After hearing the announcement of passing, I feel very relieved and once again thank you, "he concluded. (Wulida/zam)
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