Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The Independent Learning Unit for the Independent Campus (MBKM) Unesa held the 2021 Pre-Departure International Credit Transfer (ICT) on Thursday (15/7) online. The meeting was attended by Dr.Muhammad Sholeh, M.Pd as the head of the MBKM unit, Tsuroyya, S.S., M.A. as the head of the Student Exchange and Research Internship Division, and Rusly Hidayah, S.Si., M.Pd. as Division Secretary. Also present, the lecturers in charge of each faculty and 10 students who took part in ICT 2021.
In this meeting they discussed the coordination of government assistance related to this ICT program. Before students carry out lectures, students are required to coordinate with partner foreign universities (PTLN) to ensure lectures do not conflict with the schedule at the original PT, understand the Learning Management System (LMS) used at partner PTLN, ask for important dates at PTLN partners, and Faculty PICs provide an overview of lectures at partner PTLNs.
In addition, the head of the Unesa MBKM unit hoped that this meeting could equip students to be ready to study online with foreign universities as partners. "This program gets funding support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology," he explained.
In his presentation, Dr. Muhammad Sholeh also explained that students will later receive financial assistance in the form of living expenses, tuition fees, assistance in buying books and access to journals.
Rusly Hidayah, S.Si., M.Pd. explained that the purpose of this meeting was to prepare students for their lectures, which had different cultural backgrounds. Of course, students are required to always be updated with various information related to lectures, adapt and follow the lecture culture that already exists in foreign universities. These ten Unesa students will later study in China, Thailand, and Malaysia.
"My dear students, you carry the name Unesa, so you must give your best when attending lectures at Overseas Universities, keep your spirits up and keep on excelling," said Dr.Muhammad Sholeh, M.Pd.(Hasna)
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