Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-UNESA Regional Language and Literature Department held a virtual puppet show accompanied by Sanggar Bharada on Saturday, December 18, 2021. The event was staged at the residence of Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd., the supervisor of Sanggar Bharada, in Karet Village, Krembung District, Sidoarjo and broadcast on the YouTube channel BharadaTV_ID. As planned, the performance will last three days or until December 20, 2021.
The puppet show was performed by the dalang Ki Gedhug Siswantoro with the play "Dhuta Pamungkas". This is one of a series of performances that are part of the Virtual Art Show with the theme "Greget Performing Arts, Ing Mongso Pandemic". Previously, there were also performances of other cultural performances such as campursari, ludruk, and kethoprak.
This virtual art performance was held to commemorate the 57th UNESA Dies Natalis. The event was also supported by Jawa Metrik. This puppet show is quite interesting, because it is performed by 3 dalangs across generations. On the first day, Ki Gedhug Siswantoro masterminded the play "Dhuta Pamungkas". Then on the second day the puppeteer Ki Yohan Susilo performed the play "Sidamukti". Then on the last day, the mastermind was Ki Tegar Damar Sasangka with the play "Alap-alap Tunggul Naga".
Dr. Surana, S.S, M.Hum., as the head of the UNESA Regional Language and Literature department expressed his gratitude to all participants involved and to all attendees who had participated in enlivening the event. He also conveyed his gratitude to Yohan Susilo and his family, for making an extraordinary contribution, namely providing a place for the event to be held.
Furthermore, he also expressed his gratitude to Ki Gedhug Siswantoro who had been the mastermind in this wayang show, even from his explanation that it was not only Ki Gedhug Siswantoro who participated in the success of the event. In addition, he also said that thanks to the blessing of all parties, the Department of Javanese Language and Literature UNESA was able to make extraordinary achievements, namely being able to become 3rd international champion and has eliminated 80 more universities worldwide in Jawametric.
These achievements have an impact on activities. In addition, he also said that currently the Java Language and Literature Study Program (JBSD) was waiting for an announcement from an international accreditation. He hopes that JBSD UNESA can get international accreditation. He shared the opinion of one of the accreditation assessors, that the Department of Javanese Language and Literature and the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature are excellent study programs followed by the Department of English Language and Literature. "Please pray for the blessing of all parties, hopefully this can be facilitated and given God's blessing so that it can achieve international accreditation and be predicated as superior," he hoped.
He continued, the play on the actual day was not the ultimate ambassador (total final) but the ultimate ambassador to end 2021. He added that this activity was also a form of offering in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary of UNES.
According to him, behind the age of UNESA who stepped on the number 57 has its own philosophy. The number 5 symbolizes Pancasila and the Pillars of Islam which consists of 5 items, while the number 7 is a number in Javanese culture that is believed to or symbolizes help, because the number seven in Javanese is referred to as "pitu" which is believed to be "pitulungan" or help.
“Hopefully at the age of 57 years, UNESA will always be blessed and in the protection of God. Because according to him, if you have been given help by God Almighty, then everything will be smooth, a blessing and a lesson can be drawn," he said.
The play "Duta Pamungkas" in the performance tells the story of Kresna Duta who is the Ultimate Ambassador. Ki Gedhug Siswantoro packaged the story in this wayang nicely, also interspersed with witty scenes and jokes that provoked laughter from the audience. He is able to make the audience more enjoy the show without feeling bored. On the other hand, Ki Gedhug Siswantoro also gave an extraordinary appreciation in the story so that the audience was able to understand and live the story in the wayang play. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Azhar Adi Mas'ud.
Editor: @zam*
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