Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) continues to be committed to providing maximum services and education for persons with disabilities. Improvements in service quality and innovation are continuously being pursued. One of UNESA's offerings for disability is to demonstrate various innovations and abilities of persons with disabilities at the International Exhibition which will be held in Dubai in the future. It also commemorates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (HDI) which falls on Friday, December 3, 2021.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., said that UNESA must be the foremost disability-friendly campus. Campus infrastructure must be disability-friendly, including its services. “They have the right to learn and be successful, that's why we have prepared them. Now, it's easy, there's a lot of technology as a tool and that's what we continue to develop," he said Friday (12/03/2021).
Meanwhile, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation as well as the initiator of the establishment of the UNESA Center for Disability Studies and Services (PSLD) stated that through PSLD many innovations have been carried out, including the latest development of the FOEFL Test model for persons with disabilities which has been tested some time ago.
"Every individual must be given support according to their needs and potential, education does not look at anyone who wants to learn, including friends with disabilities," he said.
Head of PSLD, Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd., explained that UNESA also has a special program that bridges graduates with disabilities with the world of work, one of which is realized through the website, www.jibdis.com. Then there is also www.konselingmadif.com, a website for consulting services for students with special needs when learning online.
Disability, he continued, just like others, has potential and privileges. To develop this potential, it requires special distribution and treatment. "They have advantages and sometimes that can't be done and achieved by normal people," he explained. "Therefore, I hope that this HDI momentum can increase awareness and respect in seeing people with disabilities, without discrimination and so on," he said.
Prof. Budiyanto added, UNESA's innovation for disability was also in the form of the signalong sign language that he initiated. "For friends with disabilities, be confidential, don't regret what is there, but once again let's rise up and find the privilege," he said. Openness and self-awareness are important to recognize one's potential. “We are together, can work together, in realizing the world by joining hands and walking together. Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities, from UNESA, a disability-friendly campus. (Unesa Public Relations)
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