unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA —Indonesia has enormous waqf potential. The Indonesian Waqf Agency (BWI) noted, the area of waqf land in Indonesia reached millions of square meters. However, its use is only limited to the construction of mosques, madrasas, and tombs. Sakarya University, Turkey in Visiting Lecturer Faculty of Food Security (FKP) UNESA on March 21, 2025.
Based on the results of research that he and the team did, the progress of tertiary institutions abroad, including in the country where he teach now, one of which lies in the management of potential waqf. For him, either waqf in the form of land or funds can be a solution to the problems faced by the community, including being able to manage into capital for farmers. It became a pioneer in preparing the grand design the concept of waqf for food security. Sakarya University, and becomes a strengthening of knowledge and experience for the FKP Unesa Civitas.
"We hope that in the future it can strengthen cooperation in various fields and programs to strengthen the Tridarma ecosystem, namely education, research, and community service," he hoped.*
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