Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA– A total of 23 groups consisting of 63 students from the 2021 Undergraduate Culinary Education Study Program, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held the 2023 Catering Creation Degree exhibition with the theme 'Atelier of Pandhalungan ' at the Brawijaya V Regional Military Command Hall, Surabaya on Saturday 25 November 2023.
In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (FT), Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., said that the creation event this time served various dishes ranging from appetizers, main courses, desserts and preserves. It also covers various regions, namely Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo and Banyuwangi.
This activity, he continued, is part of the final course that undergraduate students in Culinary Education must take. The creation of works has been held several times, during the pandemic, it was carried out virtually. However, after the pandemic ended, students started to get enthusiastic about studying and it was held offline again.
"This creative event also builds students' enthusiasm to show the community so that we can display their work, because later they can become entrepreneurs and so on. other," he said.

One of the judges, Chef Achmad Taufiq, emphasized that the assessment of this competition was based on several basic aspects. These aspects include innovation, taste, appearance, cooking techniques and the participants' ability to developing a menu that is acceptable to the public.
Apart from that, sales potential and the suitability of the product if sold are also taken into consideration in the assessment.
“Innovation can be done in various ways, which is important in principle, innovation "That is, acceptable, which means people can accept it from the taste and later the value. And if it already has selling value, the price is reasonable," he said.
According to him, what can be said to be a winner is the product's local content innovated by taste, appearance and texture that can be said to be comfortable by every guest. So not only can you be creative, but you can produce quality that is acceptable to the public.
Chief Executive, Hanifah Saniinah Mardiyanti, explained that the selection of these four cities as the background to the event is based on the lack of interest of today's young people to explore Indonesian culinary delights. In the era of globalization, many young people prefer products from abroad, especially from East Asia and other countries.
"Indeed, the output of the Cipta Karya Culinary Arts course is, yes, to be able to raise and utilize food products from East Java regions, and to become more famous and more global," he said.
This activity involved 6 groups from Jember, Bondowoso, and Banyuwangi, as well as 5 groups from Situbondo, with a total a total of 23 groups and 150 food products.
“Hope for this event, success and success. "There are no obstacles or problems, the exposure will continue to be good and what is certain is that for next year's event, the 2024 culinary creations will be better than this year," he hoped.[]
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Reporter: Sindy Riska/Putra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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