The process of delivering material by the Director of Public Relations and Public Information at UNESA.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—UNESA Labschool teachers took part in a popular article writing workshop held by the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information at Surabaya State University (UNESA) at the 9th floor Auditorium, Rectorate Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Tuesday, 19 November 2024.
The training is intended to strengthen the writing skills of Labschool teachers, so that their written work is not only read within the school's internal environment, but can also appear in the media mass.
"Writing is one of the skills that teachers must have, because it can strengthen competence and is an important part of literacy and educational work itself," said Vinda Maya Setianingrum, Director of Public Relations and UNESA Public Information, when opening the activity.
The communication science lecturer and chief executive added that this training is important for teachers, because it provides an opportunity to share knowledge and experience with the wider community. Through writing, teachers can convey ideas, learning methods, or reflections on educational issues such as how to overcome violence and bullying, for example.
By writing, teachers can bridge the gap between theory and practice, so that people better understand the challenges and solutions in the world of education. Writing also strengthens the professional image of the institution and opens up opportunities for career development.

Material session with Basyir Aidi, Editor of UNESA Magazine.
Writings published in the media show dedication and competence of a teacher, as well as building a positive digital footprint that can strengthen the reputation of the teacher and the school.
“The writing process also helps teachers reflect on learning practices, increase creativity, and hone communication skills. "In this way, teachers not only educate the younger generation in the classroom, but also make a contribution to society," he explained.
This training is packaged in two stages. First, the stage of delivering material regarding strategies for finding and developing creative writing ideas and popular journalistic writing with resource persons, Vinda Maya Setianingrum and Basyir Aidi, Editor of UNESA Magazine.
Second, the writing practice and mentoring stage. During the writing process, the teachers were accompanied by lecturers; Gilang Gusti Aji, Puspita Sari Sukardani, and Muh Ariffudin Islam. Each of them is a lecturer in communication science and visual communication design.
A number of other UNESA technical teams and PR journalists were also involved in the training and mentoring process. After the material session, the teachers received assignments to write. The results will later be published in the mass media.
The training, which is a community service program or PKM, was well received by the participants. They admitted that they were happy with the training and hoped that skills improvement training that was closely linked to teaching could continue to be held in the future.[UNESA PR]
Reporter: Saputra (FBS)< /p>
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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