Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya Department of Education Curriculum and Technology Faculty of Education (FIP) Unesa provides an academic color in Surakarta in the frame of Community Service (PKM). This activity took place at Muhammadiyah Surakarta 2 High School Jl. Yosodipuro No. 95 Surakarta attended by approximately 200 participants who were teachers / curriculum representatives of schools in Surakarta (from kindergarten elementary junior high high school) (6/7).
PKM activities which are a form of This collaboration with Surakarta Private Study Board (BMPS) has a goal namely to increase the competence of teachers in the entire BMPS environment in Surakarta related to curriculum analysis material development of interactive media HOTS-based assessment and evaluation of learning and to establish academic collaboration (signing of the MOU with BMPS and SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta in the fields of education research and in particular PKM).
Activities that were also attended by Drs.Trijono as the heads of the Surakarta BMPS and Andi Kristanto S.Pd. M.Pd. as the Chairperson of the Department of Education and Curriculum of FIP Unesa was packaged in a workshop divided into 4 classes in accordance with the title PKM namely 1) evaluation of learning for high school / vocational teachers 2) development of HOTS-based assessment for Junior High School Teachers 3) Development of Interactive Learning Media for Elementary Teachers and 4) Analysis of Kindergarten Level School Curriculum Documents (Kindergarten).
Through this activity it is expected that curriculum teachers / waka participating in the workshop can implement knowledge gained while in the field thus impacting on improving the quality of education especially in Surakarta. In addition this kind of activity is also expected to be made an annual agenda so that it can be used as a place to strengthen the cooperation between Unesa and outside institutions as a form of the realization of the Higher Education Tri Dharma especially in the field of PKM. (ay)
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