Dean of Fisipol Unesa, Wiwik Sri Utami and Head of the Syar'iyyah Siasah Department of Universiti Malaya, Raja Hisyamudin bin Raja Sulong.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) Surabaya State University (Unesa) warmly welcomed the visiting delegation from Universiti Malaya (UM) Malaysia at the i8 Auditorium Fisipol, Campus 1 Ketintang, on Monday, 06 January 2025.
The meeting was in order to strengthen cooperation and in the context of an international mobility program involving Unesa Fisipol students and University of Malaya Malaysia students.
This program aims to strengthen academic relations between the two universities and broaden students' horizons in the study of Islamic politics and other social science fields."We have an MoU in 2023. "We are strengthening this collaboration to encourage the strengthening of academic and non-academic fields both at Fisipol Unesa and at UM Malaysia," said Wiwik Sri Utami, Dean of Fisipol Unesa.
The Dean hopes that this visit will be a point in the journey of cooperation which is good for improving the quality of the tridharma of higher education which ultimately is to equip students with various competencies and skills that are relevant to development.
"Therefore, at this meeting we share knowledge and explore the potential for cooperation "more in the future," he said.
Meanwhile, Raja Hisyamudin bin Raja Sulong, Chair of the Syar'iyyah Siasah Department, Islamic Studies Academy, Universiti Malaya, expressed his pleasure at being able to attend and feel the warmth of the welcome from the leadership and the Fisipol Unesa community.

Leaders, co-operatives, lecturers and students of Fisipol Unesa together with the Universiti Malaya Malaysia delegation.
He hopes that Unesa can do return visit to Malaysia in the future, in order to follow up on the development of cooperation in various fields and other programs.
This mobility program focuses on the study of Islamic writings and Islamic political issues in Indonesia as well as Malaysia. Moch. " "Because we have the same background in studying Islamic politics, we hope that the collaboration between Unesa and UM Malaysia can produce useful new research, especially in the field of Islamic politics," said Mubarok.
In the discussion session, the participants discuss concrete steps to implement cooperation. One of the agreements is that in the next few months, the two universities will start this collaboration by holding a webinar that focuses on the study of Islamic politics.
This webinar is expected to deepen mutual understanding and strengthen relations between students and academics from both parties.
Other agreements include plans to continue cooperation through various other forms of collaboration, including joint research and scientific publications which are expected to enrich the treasures of knowledge in the fields of Islamic politics, history, social and scientific fields. social others.[*]
Reporter: Zakariya Putra Soekarno (Fisipol), and Retno Nurus Solekhah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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