Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - After being inaugurated on January 19, 2022, the management of the Student Organization (Ormawa) and Student Activity Unit (UKM) UNESA attended the Workshop on Synchronizing Work Programs for Student Affairs and Alumni with the Functionaries of Ormawa and UKM for the 2022 Period on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at the 11th Floor Auditorium, Building UNESA Chancellor, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
The event was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., ranks of faculty work units, BAKPK and BUK as well as administrators of Ormawa and UKM for the 2022 period. As resource persons, attended M. Farid Ilhamuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd., Aria Syaiful Akbar, S.Pd ., Ahmad Ajib Ridwan, S.Pd., M.SEI., and Purwanto, SE
On that occasion, Dr. Agus Haryanto, M.Kes., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni Affairs, explained that ormawa and UKM should be a place where students can learn and develop themselves further. The learning process is certainly not just talk, but wherever possible it shows a change in perspective, attitude and way of making decisions.
"Show achievements, show innovations that are beneficial for yourself, the community, alma mater and even society and the country," he said. In addition, being an administrator is not easy, there are a series of responsibilities that must be carried out. Nevertheless, he believes, the new management will be able to provide the best work programs for UNESA who are more accomplished. "Not all students have the opportunity to become administrators, so take advantage of them well, pursue as many achievements as possible and bring innovation," he said.
On that occasion, the resource persons and administrators of ormawa and SMEs discussed the alignment of work programs and their implementation strategies in the field. Ahmad Ajib Ridwan explained that the synchronization of the work program was an effort to harmonize the work program between Ormawa and UKM with the third field. "Friends in the management do not need to make new work programs, but only harmonize the work programs that you have arranged," he said.
He added that so far, students have often been involved in raising aid funds for disaster victims in various regions. Ahmad Ajib Ridwan appreciated the student humanitarian movement, because it had to be done. In fact, UNESA students must be at the forefront of humanitarian issues. "For an open disaster relief activity, for example, it would be better if a report of four or five sheets is sufficient so that the activities of friends are recorded and recorded properly," he said.
In addition, several other things were discussed, including the use of infrastructure to support student activities. Like the SME building in Ketintang, for example, in the near future the building will be handed over to the Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance. “Field Three will coordinate with Division Two regarding the use of the building for student activities. Sarpras is very important to support the activities of friends, in its use there needs to be coordination between fields in the structural ranks, "explained M. Farid Ilhamuddin in the discussion session. [UNESA PR]
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