Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - UPT Public Relations, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a Branding Learning Series Volume 3 activity on Sunday (30/01/2022). The activity which started at 09.00 WIB was attended by student organizations around UNESA such as BEM, HMJ, UKM, ormada, LSO and related communities.
The event was attended by two speakers, namely, Tarida Alif Pratama, the East Java Provincial Government Public Relations Release Team and Annisa Maulidya Rahma, Digital Communication PT Meratus Line.
The webinar was opened by Gilang Gusti Aji, S.I.P., M.Sc., as a UNESA Lecturer who said that this activity can provide a kind of reinforcement for new student organization administrators, so they can add insight and get guidance in building the image or branding of works and achievements.
The Head of the Documentation and Public Relations Information Services Division of UNESA added that students have a role in improving the image of UNESA both to new students and the general public.
Based on research, new students are very active in looking for information either on web pages or social media to get to know what works or activities have been done. "I hope that my friends from the Ormawa management can show achievements and innovations. That is important and has an attraction for anyone. Who doesn't like achievement," he said.
Tarida Alif Pratama in his presentation said that a release is a news product issued by an organization. The most important character is the value of the news which is actual, important, has attractiveness, closeness, and character.
There are things that need to be considered in writing a release, namely determining the writing framework and angle, simplicity and priorities, not giving personal opinions, and using the best pyramid scheme. "The release is important for every organization around UNESA because in every delivery of the various agendas that will be carried out later, it is closely related to the wider public interest," he explained.
Annisa Maulidya Rahma as the second resource person delivered material on 'Social Media Management for Surabaya State University Student Organizations'. In order to develop social media accounts, each ormawa must determine the point of view of their respective accounts.
Several steps to manage the social media management of each of these organizations can be referred to as AIDAL (Awareness, Interactions, Desire, Action, and Loyalty). "Self-branding can be through social media, so we need to create special management for social media so that it looks professional," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Reyka Ayu
Editor: @zam*
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