Unesa .ac.id & ndash; Surabaya Andri Setiawan a student of the Javanese Language and Literature Education Department succeeded in displaying wayang art in the Inauguration closing ceremony of KKN 139 in DusunWonosalam Kec. Prigen Kab. Pasuruan Not only puppets were shown in the closing ceremony there were performances of storytelling singing Indonesian Pusaka songs in Mandarin and singing the song Until See you (Endank Soekamti) with SIBI (sign language).
Wayang (play) which used in the show was fairly simple. Made from thin duplex straw as a handle and colorful paint for finishing KKN 139 children together with Wonosalam Hamlet children make puppets with deer lion snake farmer king queen and many more characters.
< p> Raising the story of the Mouse Deer with a duration of 1 hour Andri who is more familiarly called "Mbah & rdquo; as if he was already skilled in playing his role as a puppeteer. When interviewed Andri claimed to have loved puppets since childhood even puppet toys have become their daily lives. According to him the puppet is unique. In addition the story and characters also inspire such as Ramayana Mahabarata and many more.Andri learns puppets by self-taught from watching VCDs watching live to trying to learn from qualified characters both from in terms of the story and accompaniment. However Andri also realized that all of that was not optimal because he was still not focused on studying it all.
& ldquo; To pursue to the extent of knowing maybe yes but to deepen maybe not because I chose to pursue the world of Javanese literature . So I only make this puppet interlude & rdquo; he explained.
However Andri still has a strong desire to make a crooked or other wayang style which is to develop the wayang mouse deer again. According to him wayang kancil did not develop widely even more alarming who developed the puppet was a female puppeteer from abroad (reported from YouTube). He hoped that his wish could be realized for the sake of preserving the local culture of the archipelago especially Javanese culture. (emir/ay)
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