Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-In order to motivate students and lecturers to increase the number of scientific publications and make it easier to access articles in reputable journals, State University of Surabaya in collaboration with Emerald Publishing held a User Training & Guide to Get Published on Wednesday, July 14, 2021.
On that occasion, Irwan Sukardi, Business Manager of Emerald Publishing gave directions on how to access journals in Emerald. First, go to the emerald.com/insight website. Second, register or register an account. Third, enter your name and email. After that, a confirmation link appears in the email. "Just click on the link and create a password and then you can log in right away," he explained.
Previously, Irwan explained about Emerald Publishing. A publisher that was founded in 1967 it has around 500 thousand researchers in more than 130 countries. They have also published about hundreds of species which of course have been indexed by Scopus and use Altmetric statistical measurements. Not only various journals, Emerald also provides E-books, E-cases, and Expert Briefings.
"This year, the UNESA library has subscribed to e-Journals in Emerald, so that the UNESA academic community can easily access articles in all Emerald journals," he said. Furthermore, Irwan explained some tips to be able to publish articles on Emerald.
In publication, he said, researchers or writers must pay attention to the focus and research topics that are characteristic or the type of journal being addressed. So far, many articles have been rejected due to errors in submitting journals that are not in accordance with the research topic. "Not only that, it is very important to comply with journal writing guidelines so that the article is accepted," he concluded. (meds/zam)
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