Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Ahmad Bayu Prasetyo, S.Pd, as the keynote speaker for national webinar in writing scientific paper which is held by graduates school in UNESA was explaining about the importance of IT in writing scientif paper.
Bayu said, if writing a scientific paper, then it must start from the idea to know what is the next step. Then, look for references, write development outlines, citations and library lists, layout settings, page settings, and then check for errors and plagiarism.
"Here, IT can be very useful to help everything in the writing of scientific works," said Bayu.
Bayu also explained and gave some example references of journal, title references that can help students and the community in writing scientific paper. Like the Z-Library website which has over 50 million books and articles. Then, there is a website to search journals (scopus.com), this journal has the highest index or international.
This digital reference is very helpful to find books easily. Because in the midst of the current pandemic it is very difficult to get out of the house to find books in the library.
"With this website full of free books, everyone can still surf the internet and find knowledge easily," bayu said.
For citation and library list, Bayu provides some examples of software namely Mendeley, Zotero and Endnote. Bayu highly recommend Mendeley because this software provides for free with a storage capacity of 2 GB and everyone can input documents there easily.
To help participants understand better, Bayu gave an example using Mendeley and some other software.
Meanwhile, the last keynote speaker, Manesti Pangestuti, S.S explained about the template of scientific writing. For the template itself there is the preparation of titles, abstracts, introductions, the study of theories, methods, discussions, conclusions, and reference lists.
Manesti provides examples of good writing templates so that participants can understand.
"For the abstract itself, it must be written in 150-300 words written in Indonesian and English, as well as a summary of the content of the article, and keywords. For the introduction is filled with the general basis of the problem about the general description of the main problems in scientific work. For theoretical studies, the author please study the list of libraries and their frame of thought well. Then the material up to the reference list, Manesti explained the material well," he said. (Pai)
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