Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The UNESA Language Center UPT had the opportunity to welcome a visit from the Palangkaraya University Language Technical Implementation Unit team on Friday 29 October 2021 at the UNESA Language Center Building, Ketintang Campus. The welcoming and sharing session was attended by Drs. Suwarno Imam Samsul, M.Pd., as the head of the Language Center UPT and his staff. Meanwhile, from the University of Palangkaraya, Prof. Dr. Maria Luardini, M.A as the head of the UPR Language UPT, and her staff.
This visit was in the context of discussions and sharing experiences starting from the implementation of the online English test, managing the test system to the certification system at UPT Language Center UNESA. In addition, both UNESA and Palangkaraya University exchanged ideas regarding future developments to advance the potential of Palangkaraya University in administering language tests.
Suwarno revealed that this kind of activity is actually an effort of the UPT Language Center in introducing UNESA, especially the Unesa Language Center to outsiders. "Institutional branding through this method is also good, not only in Java, but also outside Java," he said.
It is important for UPT Language Center UNESA to introduce themselves more broadly, in order to expand cooperation with interested external parties. In addition, the chairman of the UNESA Language Center UPT also revealed that there is a possibility of cooperation between the two parties in the future.
The Unesa Language Center is currently accepting offline TEP tests. However, participants are very limited, one room is only filled with about 7 test takers and apply strict health protocols. In addition, the Language Center also has several agendas in the future, one of which is a language test for students with disabilities which will be held in early November 2021. "The Language Center can develop again and can meet the Chancellor's KPI, so that when PTN BH becomes PTN BH, it will be even more prepared," he explained. (Hasna)
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