Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) officially announced ten study programs (Prodi) with the most applicants in the National Selection path for Admission to State Universities (SNMPTN) in 2021, on Monday (01/03).
As for the ten prodi, the first most is still occupied by Management Study Program with a total of 1,929 applicants. In the next order followed by PGSD with a total of 1,347 applicants. Then, in the third place there is a Psychology Study Program with a total of 1,279 applicants.
Furthermore, Nutrition study program which has as many as 940 applicants in the fourth place, Communication Science with 812 applicants in the fifth, Accounting with 783 applicants in the sixth position, Legal Science with 708 applicants in the seventh position, and Office Administration Education with 668 applicants in the eighth place. Next, in the ninth place there is Indonesian Language and Literature Education with 558 applicants, and Informatics Engineering with 534 applicants in tenth place.
Based on the data, just like the previous year, Management and PGSD are still the favorite study programs of SNMPTN in Unesa with the highest number of applicants for two consecutive years. While Psychology moved to number three this year from fourth place in the previous year. In addition, for Nutrition Study Program climbed to the fourth rank this year from the eighth place in the previous year. Communication Science also moved up to fifth from the sixth year before.
Meanwhile, this year's Accounting Program dropped to sixth place from the previous third place. Informatics engineering also became the tenth most this year from the seventh year before. For Indonesian Language and Literature Education is still the same as the previous year which is ranked ninth.
There are several courses that last year entered the top ten and the interest decreased this year, namely the state administrative sciences program the fifth most previous year and this year did not make the top ten. Then there is also The Education of Food That the previous year entered the tenth most fans, and this year came out of the top ten most.
Meanwhile, for the study program that previously did not enter the top ten and this year entered competing in the top flight, namely there is the Office Administration Education Program in the eighth place, and the Law Study Program in the seventh most.
The total number of SNMPTN Unesa applicants in 2021 amounted to 24,091 applicants with 6,727 applicants snmptn smart Indonesia Card (KIP) holders. Meanwhile, the capacity in Unesa as a whole amounted to 6,504. The number of participants who will be declared to pass SNMPTN is the minimum number, which is 25% of the total capacity of Unesa in 2021.
"The number of applicants this year increased compared to last year. Last year Unesa received 1,335 applicants from 21,882 total SNMPTN applicants. For this year, there will be 1,636 applicants declared qualified. The amount represents 25% of Unesa's overall capacity," said Vice Rector of Academic Affairs Unesa, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. (ay/zam)
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