Unesa.ac.di-SURABAYA-The National Sports Great Design (DBON) athlete development program at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) begins at the end of July 2022. The participants who are fostered in the program are not arbitrary. Only participants who meet the qualifications are accepted. For this reason, the selection of participants was carried out strictly on Monday, July 18, 2022.
In total, there are more than 480 registrants for the DBON coaching program. A total of 73 participants participated in the selection at UNESA. Participants came from various regions and the furthest one was from Kalimantan. The sports selected and fostered at UNESA include Athletics, Archery, Taekwondo and Swimming. The four of them are included in 14 sports that are prepared for the next Olympics.

Don't Pass, Go Home
The DBON team, Prof. Dr. Hari Setijono, M.Pd., explained that the selection consisted of a series of tests with a knockout system. The first stage, participants take a test that includes three aspects, namely there are anthropometric tests, health tests and biomotor tests or physical ability tests. The first two tests were held in T4 Building, Faculty of Sports Science (FIO), while the biomotor test was held at UNESA International Futsal Gor.
The results of the first stage of the test will be sent directly to the center and announced in the evening. Participants who do not pass or there are participants who have muscle problems, for example, will be immediately sent back to their respective regions. Meanwhile, those who pass will take part in the next selection stage, namely the skill test on Tuesday, July 19, 2022.
“Tomorrow's skill test will focus on testing the aptitude or skills of participants in their respective chosen sports. Those who choose swimming are tested for swimming skills, if archery is a test of archery skills," he explained at the location.
After passing the skill test, participants will enter the final selection stage, namely the psychological test. This selection is intended to see the talents and mentality of children from the psychological side. “This requires independent participants as well, because the coaching system is focused and far from parents. So it has to be seen from various aspects,” said the UNESA professor.
Coaching Schedule
After the selection stage, participants who pass will be announced on July 21, 2022 and begin to enter the coaching program on July 27, 2022. Prof. Hari emphasized that the selection was not based on the quota of participant acceptance, but actually based on the specified qualifications. The selection involved the DBON Kemenpora team or an expert team of 4 people, a team from two sports parents each and a team of doctors and psychologists.
Muhammad Zainuddin Aziz the test committee said that each test has its own qualifications. For example, for biomotor or physical tests, for example, there are several aspects to look at such as arm muscle endurance, abdominal endurance, leg muscle explosive power, core muscle strength, arm muscle explosive power, agility, muscle strength and flexibility. "The test is really detailed," he said.
Selection Participants Say
One of the test takers, Charisya, stated that she had prepared herself and practiced regularly in advance. The 14-year-old woman realized that this selection would be rigorous and detailed. That's why he disciplined to practice 2 hours in the morning and evening every day before the selection. "Hopefully it can be accepted and can follow the coaching at UNESA," hoped the participant from Tulungagung.
The same thing was also expressed by other participants Salsa. He expressed his desire to be included in the DBON athlete coaching program. The training and preparation has been done. This was supported by his parents and coaches who also had high hopes for him to be a part of UNESA fostered athletes.
“My goal is one, I want to focus on training and developing sports talent. In the future, of course, I want to be proud of my parents' names, regional names and alma mater names as well as red and white names on the world stage. I have to have big targets in the future, to be able to achieve achievements for Indonesia,” he said enthusiastically.
For information, the DBON athlete coaching program is held in four centers, including UNESA. Participants who pass the selection will receive a coaching program and be prepared to become future athletes who can be seeded in world sports competitions, the Olympics. Participants get free accommodation including living expenses, free education, pocket money and so on from the state. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami and Hayyu Anggraeni
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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