Not many campuses in Indonesia have German study programs. In Unesa this study program has been established since the 1990s. Since then also Deutsche Woche was held. Precisely since 1996 the Student Association of the University of German Language and Literature Unesa always held competitions and exhibitions nuanced German language and literature. The program which is intended for teenagers this year has the theme "Wir sind schon siebzehn &"; (We are 17 years old). The concept of the event is in the form of high school / MA / SMK students in East Java namely Deutschkenntnisse (German Grammar Competition) Drama (Boarding Competition) Gedicht Lesen (Poetry Reading Competition) M? rchen Erz? hlen (Storytelling Contest) Modeschau (Fashion Demonstration Contest) and Singen (Singing Contest). The competition has prizes of millions of rupiah and is held at the German Language and Literature Education Study Program complex at FBS Unesa Lidah Wetan campus on 25-30 November 2013. In addition the series of Deutsche Woche XVII events also offered various activities for the entire public / public such as the German Literature Exhibition Book Exhibition Kino (Watch German Film) and the Bazaar. The German exhibition aims to introduce German language and culture and promote the potential of German language study programs to the wider community. HMPS Germany also organizes seminars with the theme "Youth Culture in Germany". This academic activity is expected to be a model of learning and awareness for students that critical power and creativity are needed so that we can accelerate progress like the German nation is able to become a developed country in the world. Not to forget social activities blood donation also became one of the activities in a series of Deutsche Woche XVII events at the end of 2013. (Ummah / Byu)