Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Department of Psychology, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held an International Webinar on Research Methodology on Monday (12/07/2021). The event presented foreign experts as speakers. There is Prof. Craig Speelman from Edith Cowan University, Australia, and Prof. Dr. Judith Schoonenboom, University of Vienna, Austria. The two speakers were accompanied by Dr. Miftakhul Jannah, S.Psi., M.Sc., Psychologist from Surabaya State University as a speaker and Siti Ina Savira, S.Psi, M.EdCp as moderator.
On that occasion, Miftakhul Jannah explained about 'Methodology as Thinking Process'. According to him, scientific writing is a writing technique used to document research, or other academic work, in writing based on facts and data. When writing scientific papers, he added, writers must focus on the purpose of the problem specified and cite relevant journals as a reference. "It's better if our references are the latest or the last five years," he said.
Meanwhile, Prof. Judith Schoonenboom in her presentation explained about 'Mixed Methods in Educational Research'. According to him, Mixed Methods Research is a research design based on philosophical assumptions as well as the method of inquiry. Mixed Methods Research is also referred to as a methodology that provides philosophical assumptions in showing directions or giving instructions on how to collect data and analyze data as well as a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches through several phases of the research process.
He added that mixed methods research focuses on data collection and analysis and combines quantitative data and qualitative data in both a single study and a series study. "A combination of qualitative and quantitative to obtain data and understand the facts comprehensively on one or more issues under study," he said. While in the last session, Prof. Craig Speelman explains about 'The Statistical Trap Ensnaring Psychology'. According to him, in psychology there are several problems including problems of reproducibility, research practice, and research measurement problems. (Wulida/Zam)
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