WARM: Cutting the tumpeng for the 47th Anniversary of Himapala Unesa.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA�The Nature Lovers Student Association (Himapala) Surabaya State University (Unesa) commemorates the long history of journeys and contributions in coloring the world of student affairs at Unesa, on Monday, January 13 2025.
The 47th Anniversary of Himapala Unesa took place in Building T14, Floor 4, Faculty of Languages ��and Arts (FBS), Campus 2 Lidah Wetan. The General Chairperson of Himapala, Rizki Aulia Pangestu, conveyed Himapala's enthusiasm and vision to continue to protect nature as a shared home.
�As we get older, our spirits get brighter. Nature is our home, we must protect it. "Hopefully in the future, Himapala Unesa can contribute to the international arena," he said.

SPIRIT: The supervisor of Himapala Unesa, Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, gave several directions and hopes that Himapala will continue to be enthusiastic about making positive contributions to the world of education, organizations and nature conservation.
Himapala Director, Gustav Subagio, also expressed appreciation to all members for their dedication in preserving nature. "Hopefully in the future all Himapala members can continue to protect and preserve Indonesia's nature," he said.
On this occasion, the founder of Himapala, Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, revealed that this anniversary was an important momentum towards Himapala Emas 50.
"At this age, we have designed programs towards Himapala Emas 50, one of the pilot programs for the Mont Blanc expedition. "Hopefully with routine activities like this, the achievement of Himapala Gold 50 can be realized," he explained.

KOMPAK: This anniversary was attended by all administrators, members and seniors as well as supervisors and directors of Himapala Unesa.
A pilot program has been prepared as a step early, including Bina Wisata and the Mont Blanc expedition, which became a concrete manifestation of Himapala's contribution on an international scale.
Furthermore, Muhammad Aldevanov Bramasta, chief executive of the Pataka 47 team, which will undertake the Mont Blanc expedition, said that preparations for the Mont Blanc expedition have begun including team formation, camp locations and technical aspects.
This was done to introduce Himapala Unesa to a wider reach, to the international arena. This anniversary commemoration became even more festive with a series of activities, a tumpeng cutting session, special performances from OK Riang Gembira and Cak Kartolo, acoustic performances, interactive games, and door prizes.[*]
Reporter: Dede Rahayu Adiningtyas (FIP), and Medina Azzahra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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