Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a ceremony on Monday, September 6, 2021. The ceremony was held in a limited manner by the UNESA leadership at the Rectorate Building. Meanwhile, the entire UNESA academic community followed it virtually. The ceremony is planned to be routinely held every Monday.
On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes as the leader of the ceremony said that the morning apple was part of UNESA's efforts to maintain a sense of nationality and love for the homeland. Nationalism, he continued, can be defined as a form of unity in the life of society and the state. "The love for the homeland must continue to be cultivated, so that it becomes stronger in the hearts of the children of the country," he said.
In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, he continued, nationalism is an important element that must be built and owned by all levels of society. The rapid flow of globalization and the advancement of information technology has become an opportunity as well as a threat to the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. Therefore, a sense of unity and nationality must continue to be fostered.
The values of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution must be properly internalized. Starting from the first value is divinity. This value can be manifested in daily behavior such as being religious, tolerant, work ethic, transparent, responsible, trustworthy, confident, and honest. The second value is humanity. This value can be demonstrated by always being fair, respecting the human rights of others, and being an example and role model for students or the environment around them.
The third value is unity. The application of this value is love for the homeland, willing to sacrifice, maintaining order, prioritizing the public interest, and mutual cooperation. The fourth value is citizenship. In the work environment or community, it can be applied by conducting deliberation, consensus, kinship, respecting opinions and being wise.
The fifth value is justice. This value can be manifested in everyday behavior such as being fair, helping, working hard and being simple. "Values certainly cannot be memorized, but must enter and penetrate the souls of the children of the country," he said. "Pancasila must be the basis of attitudes and behavior and be translated into the form of innovation and achievement," he concluded. (Madina)
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