Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Student Association of Economics Education Department, Faculty of Economics and Business UNESA commemorated Isra Mikraj with a virtual 'Ngaji Together' on Thursday, February 2, 2022. The activity with the theme 'Manifestation of the Value of Prayer in Community Life' was attended by all students majoring in Economics Education and attended by Ustadz Muhamammad Saifulloh Farihi S.Pd as the speaker.
The Head of Hima Department of Economics Education, Yoga Sugiyantoro stated that the activity was intended to foster a religious spirit and awareness of the meaning of the Isra Mikraj event for today's life. "Young people now have left behind the history of the journey of Islamic da'wah and as a warning that we always carry out worship according to the Shari'a," he said.
On that occasion, Ustadz Muhammad Saifuloh Farihi explained that the life of the Prophet Muhammad was full of infinite love and compassion for his people. In fact, his life was completely sacrificed to improve his people through the teachings of Islam.
The Isra Mikraj incident is a journey undertaken by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and this event is one of the important events for Muslims. It was on this occasion that the Messenger of Allah was ordered to pray five times a day and night.
"Isra Mikraj is the Prophet's journey to Baitul Maqdis and to Sidratul Muntaha. And every time he goes up to the sky he meets the prophets of Allah. Rasulullah received the order to pray 50 rakaat. It was because of the Prophet's love for his people that he asked for only 5 prayers that must be done," he explained.
According to him, there are three points regarding prayer, first, the command to pray is the only one that is called directly by Allah SWT, second, prayer prevents evil and evil deeds, third, prayer is the first worship that will be judged later. "So the prayer order is not a joke, because it becomes part of what determines the success of our lives in this world and the hereafter," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Nisvi
Editor: @zam*
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