Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Chancellor of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) and his staff participated in monitoring the implementation of the East Java Province Sports Week (Porprov Jatim) VII 2022 at the Petanque Sports Venue, Situbondo Square, East Java on Sunday, June 26, 2022. At the same time, encouraging athletes and officials UNESA is involved in the biggest provincial sports week in Indonesia.

UNESA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.Kes., said that in the East Java Province VII 2022, 34 regencies/cities were participated by involving athletes plus officials which reached 14,486 people in 47 sports (sports). Among that number, as many as 367 athletes under the age of 21 competed for 88 medals in 11 events.
The contested numbers are shooting man, shooting women, single man, single woman, double mix, double man, double women, triple man, triple women, triple 2 male 1 female, triple 2 female 1 male. "We hope that the best seeds will emerge that can be seeded in the 2024 PON in Aceh later," said Cak Hasan, who is also the General Chair of the East Java Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation Pengprov (FOPI East Java).
Meanwhile, Abdul Hafidz., S.Pd., M.Pd., Chief Executive of the East Java VII 2022 Petanque Porprov said that this monitoring must be carried out as part of mapping the athlete seeds owned by East Java which can later be followed up through further guidance for preparation PON XXI Aceh in 2024 later.
"I hope that the East Java FOPI monitoring team can provide guidance, there is a selection to become a Puslatda athlete who will go to PON later," said the UNESA Faculty of Sports Science (FIO) lecturer.
In order to improve the quality of East Java athletes, including UNESA athletes, continued Hafidz, special ongoing training will be provided later. His party will hold a coaching clinic for future athletes who are planned to be part of a series of activities for the 58th Anniversary of UNESA.
The plan is to hold a coaching clinic at UNESA by involving trainers from neighboring countries, Malaysia. The coach in question had been the coach of East Java at the last XX PON event. The hope is that the athletes who will be screened will be core athletes in the East Java FOPI Center for Research and Development. “In the framework of the anniversary, UNESA will re-organize the Petanque National Championship around mid-July. The activity itself will take place on campus,” he said.
For information, the VII 2022 East Java Provincial Sports Week (Porprov Jatim) ended yesterday (Sunday, July 4, 2022). The sports competition was attended by 34 regencies/cities and involved athletes plus officials reaching 14,486 people in 47 sports. The city of Surabaya came out as the overall champion by collecting 130 gold, 99 silver and 125 bronze with a total score of 843. In the second and third positions were Malang City and Sidoarjo Regency, respectively. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : https://kominfo.jatimprov.go.id/berita/cabor-petanque-di-porprov-vii-jatim-2022-dimulai-367-atlet-rebutkan-88-medali
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