Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Collaboration is one of the keys in achieving advanced human resources, including collaboration in the field of education. In an effort to synergize this, State University of Surabaya warmly welcomed the arrival of H. Badrut Tamam S.Psi as the Regent of Pamekasan along with all the Pamekasan district government ranks on Friday (20/11) on the 11th floor of the rectorate building, State University of Surabaya.
In this event, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. (Rector of Unesa), Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs), Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T. (Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance), Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes. (Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs) and Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. (Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation) along with the deans of each faculty, chair of the institution and all the staff.
This event is a continuation of the efforts being made by Unesa in opening the Unesa Campus outside the Unesa campus in Surabaya. The campus in question is a study program outside the main campus. Which can strengthen the role of the academic community in building national education.
In his speech, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes, usually called as Cak Hasan, revealed that this was one of the acceleration steps taken by Unesa. "Small leaps are no longer sufficient, there must be digital transformations prepared," he explained.
This is an effort to develop a better world of education in order to produce qualified human resources. "The Pamekasan district government is please to attend this extraordinary event which includes the signing of a memorandum of cooperation to work together in the field of human resource development," said the Regent of Pamekasan, Badrut Tamam.
In his speech, the Regent of Pamekasan explained that education is also a priority in the development of human resources that is currently being pursued by the government. Badrut Tamam also said that this year, they have provided educational scholarships and will soon increase the number of scholarships in collaboration with several universities, one of which is Unesa.
"Hopefully the communication team can get a mutually beneficial cooperation scheme model for the advancement of future generations," he concluded.
In this event, Badrut Tamam and his staff were also invited to visit several infrastructure facilities owned by Unesa such as Graha Unesa, horse racecourse, Merdeka Belajar Laboratorium and several others. It is expected from the collaboration between Unesa and Pamekasan Government to be able to provide forward steps for the progress and development of national education, especially in Pamekasan. (hasna)
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