Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Women are a group that is prone to infiltration by radicalism. That was conveyed by Brig. Pol.
He added, there are many ways to spread radicalism and terrorism, starting from religious studies, family relationships, even social media. In his opinion, the spread of radicalism on social media is more vulnerable than other conservative media because it is open and almost unfiltered.
The We Are Social report shows that in January 2023 the number of active social media users in Indonesia was 167 million people. In terms of age, active users of social media are dominated by millennials and generation z. Student groups are also included in it.
The habit of not filtering can make the spread of radical ideas spread quickly. The public, especially students, must be vigilant and careful in receiving and spreading news whose level of truth cannot be ascertained.
“There was once a case of the phenomenon of female students being involved in terrorism at a private university in Indonesia. This case is very complex because the perpetrators never met with radical groups, but were indoctrinated with radical views through their social media,” he explained.
Radicalism and terrorism are very dangerous for humanity and the integrity of a country. He called the data very astonishing. Until this year, Indonesian Citizens (WNI) have burned their identity to join radical groups abroad. The numbers are no joke, there are around 500-600 Indonesian citizens who are stateless and are members of radical groups.
“Actually, terrorism does not just happen. He has a process of intolerance that grows radical attitudes. From that attitude, if left unchecked, it will result in an act of terror to hurt people so that the goal is achieved," he explained. According to him, there is one category of terrorism that is said to be very dangerous, namely the character that is very easy to make others unbelievers and forbid them. "It is so strong that even the parents themselves who give birth, take care of it, and raise it are disbelieved," he added.
Terrorist networks in the world today do not discriminate, even involve women and children. The group's involvement was chosen because it is easier to camouflage and less suspicious, so it is often used by several radical groups in their actions.
In his presentation, he added that dozens of the largest terror groups have been found in Indonesia. Understanding anti-radicalism is a must to protect the future of education and create a campus environment that is safe and inclusive. He encouraged students to be part of the vanguard of the anti-radicalism movement on campus and in society.
In addition, the Director of Prevention Densus 88-AT Polri, PKKMB FEB UNESA also presented a number of other speakers to raise enthusiasm, understanding and awareness of students new. They are the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki; Director of the Indonesian Moderate Network, Islah Bahrawi; Deputy Secretary of BPET MUI, Dr. Najih Arromadloni; Kadispendik Jatim Aries Agung Paewai; and Ecoton Founder, Prigi Arisandi, M.Sc. [*]
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Photo: Documentation from PKKMB FEB Team
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