Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -The Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) Team of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) presented disaster mitigation efforts to strengthen community resilience in the Indonesian Resilience House (RRI) agenda which was held at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), on May 23-28.
The event was attended by President Joko Widodo and a number of line ministries. The Indonesian Resilience House was initiated by a number of Ministries together with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) with community organizations and international institutions in Indonesia as well as business and community institutions supported by the Bali Province Disaster Risk Reduction Forum.
This activity is part of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) agenda which aims to increase international cooperation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This agenda is a forum for disaster stakeholder participation in disaster risk reduction.
In front of the participants who came from various circles, the Head of SMCC UNESA, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Sc., said that in disaster mitigation efforts cannot wait for a disaster to occur before taking action. However, efforts were made far in advance as part of anticipatory efforts.
Mitigation efforts are carried out in three aspects. First, before the disaster. As for what the UNESA SMCC did, namely to form a disaster response village (destana). "As an early mitigation effort by utilizing potential in disaster-prone areas," he explained.
In addition, there are also reforestation programs, volunteer training for disaster response students, disaster mitigation training, then disaster safe schools and basic life support training. The program was implemented in Gresik, Surabaya, Bojonegoro and others.
Second, during a disaster. The action taken by the SMCC team is to focus on healing the trauma of the victims. Then psychoeducation to target children, providing basic food assistance and providing medical care. The team also assisted in the evacuation of victims and other assistance needed in the field.
This was also done during the Mamuju-Majene earthquake in January 2021. Then during the Jombang Flood last February.
Third, after the disaster. The SMCC program includes empowering MSMEs affected by disasters. Then post-disaster injury management training. After the Semeru eruption some time ago, our team made a cart for MSMEs affected by the disaster as a form of strengthening the community's economy in Addrejo Village, Lumajang Regency.
"SMCC's flagship program is to utilize local content by training local residents or MSME actors, educating disaster response schools and disaster mitigation activities," he said.
After the activity, one of the representatives of Pattimura University said that his party was interested in inviting UNESA SMCC to share about disaster management or mitigation. In the agenda, the Head of SMCC was accompanied by the chairman and members of the SMCC division. [UNESA PR]
Photo : Personal Documentation
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