Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-A total of 21 graduates of the Nutrition study program, Faculty of Engineering (FT), Surabaya State University (UNESA) were inaugurated and sworn in as a Nutritionist profession by the Secretary of the Regional Leadership Council of the East Java Nutritionist Association (DPD Persagi Jatim), Arif Kresna Setiadi, S.Gz at the Auditorium 3rd Floor FT on Tuesday 15 March 2022.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes on that occasion said that the oath of profession is a 'sacred' event. Where, every swearing-in vows with full awareness to be loyal and responsible to his profession. "I advised, after being sworn in, they must play an active role and be involved in efforts to improve nutrition and reduce stunting rates in the community. Profession is also about our contribution to society. I believe that the inaugurated participants are able to prove that,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of the DPD Persagi East Java, Arif Kresna Setiadi, conveyed to the inaugurated participants to be able to animate and carry out professional duties and responsibilities. “The world of nutrition can be realized together with the cooperation of all elements, especially to reduce stunting and obesity. This is our job together," he said.
According to him, talking about nutrition, not for one or two years, but sustainable and prolonged. Could be 5 to 10 years in the future. Increasing the quality of nutrition will determine the quality of Indonesia's human resources.
He hopes that nutrition students as well as those who are inaugurated to increase their competence in the field of nutrition in a sustainable manner; diagnose, resolve, and monitor nutrition as well as improve communication competence to make it easier to provide nutrition education, serve the community, and improve nutritional quality.
Head of Nutrition Study Program Dra. Veni Indrawati, M.Kes expressed her pride in graduates who have successfully completed a series of academic programs until they are confirmed and taken the professional oath. "We are very happy, because with this oath, our graduates have gained some kind of legitimacy and recognition for their competence and profession," he said. The event was attended by the deans and vice deans, the ranks of the departments and study programs of Nutrition. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam*
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