Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-After a number of study programs (prodi) received international accreditation, recently the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) succeeded in obtaining superior accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). It is stated in the decision of BAN-PT No. 241/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/PT/VI/2022 dated June 7, 2022.
The accreditation is a reflection of the quality of the institution's performance and the quality of the implementation of the tridharma of higher education, the internal quality assurance system (SPMI) and the external quality assurance system (SPME). UNESA whose quality has been recognized by BAN-PT. This can be seen from the recognition of the conversion of A to excel in 2022.
Head of the UNESA Quality Assurance Unit, Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Si, said that it took struggle and hard work to achieve this accreditation. The Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) not only prepares quality documents and the implementation of higher education SPMI, but also oversees the alignment of the university database (PDDikti) which is then scanned by BAN-PT, together with the UNESA PPTI team.
In the process, SMP conducts an internal audit with the quality document standards that have been set. From the data that has been collected, SMP conducts an analysis of the results of the monev and audit. Then proceed with follow-up analysis and risk mitigation of each finding.
“The need for publication data, the need for data on the ratio of lecturers and students must be good according to the applicable assessment provisions. The ratio of the number of graduates to the number of new students in each study program must also be small. This data greatly affects the quality of study programs assessed by BAN-PT. The need for customer survey data from various indicators is also seen by BAN-PT. This service survey is requested every year. For example, if students want KRS, they have to fill out a survey, one of which is that," he explained.
From data collection and analysis of the results of this evaluation and its follow-up. SPMI Implementation Principles with PPEPP (stipulation, implementation, evaluation and monitoring, control, and improvement) which must be written and reported in the conversion supplement instrument. “The three-month struggle that began in February 2022, has finally paid off. Of course, it cannot be separated from obstacles, indeed," he said.
The biggest obstacle in preparing for accreditation is the synchronization of UNESA's internal PDDikti with Jakarta's internal PDDikti which is not read properly by the system. "There is data that is initial in total, there is data that is detailed, sometimes they don't read it correctly. If PDDikti does not always update, BAN-PT will also find it difficult to screen data that has an impact on university accreditation, especially UNESA," he said.
However, with this obstacle, the SPM team re-mapped the data so that they could achieve good results. "I have checked the websites of other campuses (in Surabaya, ed), while only UNESA has received superior accreditation in Surabaya," he said. "This pandemic is beneficial for our team, if other people are sleeping, we will wake up first to prepare for superior accreditation," he said again.
He hopes that this excellent accreditation will motivate the team, all levels and the entire academic community to increase the number of study programs that are internationally accredited and towards a world class university (WCU). So that UNESA can be on par with advanced campuses in Europe. #UNESASatuLangkahDi Front [UNESA Public Relations]
Author: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam Al'asyiah
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