Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—A number of Surabaya State University (UNESA) Pre-Service PPG students took the PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) test in three places; T14 FBS, Training Center and Library Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Friday, 13 October 2023.
This test is part of the PPG Competency Examination which PPG students must pass to be declared passed and worthy of receiving a certificate. The PCK exam itself is to evaluate prospective teachers' understanding of educational concepts.
The PCK PPG held by LPSP involves experienced lecturers and education experts. They have an important role in designing and evaluating the exam, as well as providing constructive feedback to the participants.
Their involvement ensures high quality standards are maintained throughout the entire process of administering the test. There are also accompanying supervisors for participants with disabilities.
"In terms of assistive technology, it is very good, hopefully for large-scale exams in several educational institutions in Indonesia, disability-friendly facilities will be available," said the Special Education lecturer, Muhammad Nurul Azhar. S.Pd. M.Pd, at the test location.
UNESA, he continued, upholds the principles of openness and transparency in the Pre-Service PPG selection process. Information regarding registration requirements, test stages and assessment criteria is clearly conveyed to prospective participants. This gives confidence to the public that the selection process is carried out fairly and objectively.
Through the careful and professional implementation of the Pre-Service PPG test, UNESA contributes greatly to creating high-quality teaching staff. The teachers produced from this program are expected to be able to provide quality education, be innovative and in line with the demands of the times.
UNESA PPG Central Secretary, Julianto S.Pd., M.Pd., said that the PCK test process Comprehensive and high-quality Pre-service PPG is a strong foundation in achieving UNESA's vision to become a superior and competitive educational institution.
"By involving technology, lecturer involvement and the principle of transparency, Unesa makes a sustainable positive contribution in improving the quality of education in Indonesia." Julianto explained.

Among the many PCK participants, there is one disabled participant, who is blind. She, Tutik Muliani, also seemed persistent in taking the exam. He is a UNESA PLB graduate who received a Masters scholarship at UNESA.
His enthusiasm for learning and deepening his knowledge in the field of education made him have to take the Pre-Service PPG and the exam. "I dream of becoming an educator and for me I have to take this exam as part of upgrading my competency," he said.
Tutik Muliani's struggle to become an educator is fully supported by his family, friends and addressee. "I am an alumnus here, graduated and studied for a master's degree here, and I know very well that UNESA is indeed disability friendly and that is in line with its commitment as a friendly and equal campus," he said. []
Reporter: Nabilla Habibah AC
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation< /p>
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