Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya- Institute of Higher Education Entrance Test (LTMPT) officially announced the names of participants who passed the National Selection for Admission to State Universities (SNMPTN) year 2021 on Monday (22/03/2021) at 15.00 WIB.
The data of the participants who passed can be seen on the https://snmptn.unesa.ac.id/ page or ltmpt official page, https://pengumuman-snmptn.ltmpt.ac.id. How to check it is easy, namely by entering snmptn number 2021 and date of birth of participants in accordance with the personal data that has been registered in the previous LTMPT system.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., as Vice Rector of Academic Affairs unesa said that participants who passed snmptn are not allowed to participate in the Joint Selection of Admission to State Universities (SBMPTN). This year, Bambang continued, Unesa received as many as 1,630 new students of SNMPTN pathway. The number is taken from the total applicants snmptn unesa in total which amounted to 24,091 participants.
Meanwhile, the formation of the number of new students of SNMPTN Unesa in 2021 represents 25% of the total tamping power of Unesa, which is a total of 6,504. "Congratulations to those who passed SNMPTN, because you were chosen from the many who competed on this track without taking the entrance test," said Bambang. For participants who passed SNMPTN Unesa in 2021 to continue updating information about re-registration on the official website of the intended college. Regarding this information, Unesa will announce it further through Unesa's publications, www.sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id and Unesa's official social media.
To participants who have not passed SNMPTN to stay motivated and not discouraged. Because, there is still a way to realize the ideals of study in Unesa. One of them can register and prepare to take the Computer-Based Writing Exam (UTBK) SBMPTN. "Once again keep the spirit, there is still hope through the national UTBK line (SBMPTN), SPMB Unesa line, or Unesa Achievement line," bambang added. "I believe that if the participants prepare well, try, learn and pray fervently, then that hope will be achieved," he continued.
Unesa itself this year opened four achievement pathways for prospective new students. There are paths of religious achievement, sports, art, and leadership achievements. Not only provides a space for outstanding students, Unesa also opens the same opportunities for students with disabilities to join together as Unesa students. "All disability-friendly campus facilities have been prepared, such as wheelchair-only lanes, electronic wheelchair facilities, and also provide a Disability Services Study Center (PSLD)," bambang concluded. (Pr. Unesa)
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