Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held the 103rd graduation of the hybrid undergraduate program with the theme 'FMIPA Judiciary Ready to Take Action on the International Stage' on Thursday (31/03/2022).
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., said that as many as 251 students successfully completed a series of academic stages and participated in the graduation.
The details are 70 participants for Mathematics, 35 for Physics, 72 for Chemistry, 41 for Biology and 33 for Natural Sciences.
Dr. Hj. Masriyah, M.Pd. as the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance announced awards to seven academically outstanding graduates with the best cumulative achievement index (GPA). They are Jadsna Rohma Hanida, Arini Dwi Mayasari, Nimas Arumningtyas, Qonitah Salsabillah, Riska Amelia Lawarti, Kandilia Sahani and Nella Yulia Sari.
Furthermore, awards were also given to three outstanding non-academic graduates with the best non-academic assessment information system scores (sipena) which were read by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs & Alumni, Dr. Sifak Indana, M.Pd. The three students are Kandilia Sahani, Nila Apriliyanti, and Singgih Oka Wardhana.
The representative of the judiciary, Fatimah Ihza Aulia, first thanked the lecturers for educating and guiding during the lecture process until the end of the study. The Mathematics major student admitted that he was proud to be part of FMIPA UNESA which had facilitated the learning process so that he could gain knowledge and gain experience as an important provision in navigating the swift times.
"Judisium is not the end of our struggle (judisia participants, ed), continue the steps we have taken by applying the knowledge and experience we have gained to be useful for the new environment later," he said.
Dean, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., explained, FMIPA is one of the UNESA faculties that is committed to being the locomotive of the 'One Step Ahead' campus towards an international standard campus. Therefore, it continues to improve the quality of various aspects. One manifestation of that commitment, five FMIPA study programs have won international accreditation and several more study programs are in the process of getting there.

FMIPA UNESA graduates must be competent, have the ability to adapt, read and take advantage of opportunities with creativity and innovation, have character and have a global perspective.
In this industrial era 4.0, it demands openness to an increasingly borderless world, so the internationalization of this study program is very much needed to support the quality of education. Study programs are internationally recognized, graduates must have world standards. Prove it, make your family and alma mater proud, shake the community with your work and achievements.
“Prioritize parental approval in every step. Their prayers will make us successful in the hereafter. In addition, never forget the important role of third parents, namely teachers or lecturers who have taught many things," said the originator of the tsunami early detection tool.
The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, head of the department, secretary of the department and head of the laboratory of FMIPA. [UNESA PR]
Author : Rifqi
Editor: @zam*
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