Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-After completing all the required academic and administrative requirements, finally as many as 158 undergraduate students (S-1) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Surabaya (FMIPA UNESA) attended the judiciary virtually on Thursday (18/2/2021).
The 100th Judiciary of the first period of 2021, followed by all faculty leaders, and departments and invitations throughout the FMIPA. The theme raised is "Yudisiawan FMIPA Unesa Tangguh in The Global Competition of Industrial Era 4.0".
Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M. Si., Dean of FMIPA UNESA said that the results obtained during the study should be channeled and continue to be developed. Although the study period is complete, but the learning process must continue to be done wherever it is.
Armed with human capital or human capital that includes knowledge, skills, creativity, and innovations that have been studied, Prof. Madlazim is optimistic if the FMIPA judiciary is tough and able to compete in the national and international arena. In addition, it must also be able to make the most of the capital.
Professor of tsunami detection application, Joko Tingkir continued that social capital such as problem solving, networking, to respect the prevailing norms in society must also continue to be developed. Because, it becomes one of the keys to be able to compete in this century that is growing so fast.
"In essence, quality resources and integrity are an important provision in the face of increasingly competitive competition. This is the beginning of that journey and struggle, prove that FMIPA graduates are superior and resilient," he said.
In the event, the Dean of FMIPA announced the best students. There are about 97 students who managed to get the predicate of praise. That is, 61 percent of students who are judiciary get a predicate of praise. That number is increasing compared to the previous judiciary and that is a remarkable achievement.
In addition, FMIPA also gave appreciation in the form of awards to the six best judiciary. Each of the three best academics who obtained the highest achievement index (IP) and the three best in non-academic fields obtained transcripts of student activities (TKM) with the most SKK scores. (meds/zam/public relations Unesa)
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