Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-In order to encourage the improvement of student competencies and achievements, Unesa Career Center (UCC) held a Socialization of the National Student Competition in Business, Management and Finance (KBMK) 2021, Friday (04/06/2021). The socialization took place online which can be watched through the Youtube channel, Unesa Career Center.
Unlike the previous year, this year's KBMK activities have the theme "Innovation of the Nation's Children to Eliminate Poverty and Empowerment of Clean and Affordable Energy Ecosystem Potential in the Context of Preparation for the Post-Covid 19 Era within the Framework of the Fields of Business, Management and Finance".
Khusnul Fikriyah, S.E, M. SEI., Lecturer of Islamic Economics FEB Unesa explained the guidelines in following the KBMK. He said that the general provisions that students must pay attention to include the number of participants consisting of 2-3 active students who are registered in PD-DIKTI. Each participant is only allowed to participate in one competition category.
Each university can send a maximum of eight groups of students for all categories of competition, and group leaders must come from business, economics, management or accounting study programs, while group members can come from different majors or faculties. "Nevertheless, I hope that Unesa students who take part in this KBMK will be able to collaborate from various fields of science," he said.
He also added that registration for internal selection can be done from 7 to 29 June 2021. Meanwhile, participants who are selected as finalists in the national level competition and their supervisors must attend the KBMK final round on 17-19 September 2021.
Meanwhile, R. A. Sista Paramitha, S. E., M. Si., President Director of the Unesa IDX Investment Gallery delivered material from one of the competition categories, namely the Investment Research Competition. Furthermore, the S1 Management lecturer at FEB Unesa explained several things that students need to prepare in this competition category, namely preparing papers and videos equipped with English translation texts, research reports from issuers PT Itama Rayonara tbk, stock recommendations based on national scope, ASEAN to Asia Pacific. . "Students can search for various company information and financial reports, then proceed with the analysis using standard CFA provisions," he added.
Also on this occasion, the 2020 KBMI Champion, Intan Sari Kulah, who shared her experience in starting the Assed cracker business until it passed KBMI funding and won in various entrepreneurial competitions. This Unesa Management S1 student succeeded in processing trembesi seeds into innovative crackers. In the future, he and his teammates hope that the business they pioneered can exist overseas. (meds)
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