Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The introduction to campus life for new students or PKKMB Surabaya State University (UNESA) will continue until August 25 2023 at the faculty level. Each faculty has its own way of welcoming new students, one of which is by bringing in regional officials as was done by the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH).
They presented East Java DPRD Deputy Chairperson Anwar Sadad on Tuesday, August 22 2023 In front of the more than a thousand freshmen, Anwar Sadar expressed his pride at being able to meet the younger generation, who according to him was like meeting the future. "The future of this nation is in the hands of the younger generation or younger siblings who are currently in college," he said. strong change. They are activists, intellectuals and campus people or students.
The Role of the Young Generation
In other words, students must take an important position in the rate of development of society, nation and state today and in the future. Students have enthusiasm, idealism, breakthrough, innovation and many more as a means of strengthening their role and position in society.
"Students are special. They are chosen people who were educated in an academic tradition, have freedom, have science and mastery of new technology. This can be a tool to solve society's problems," said the doctor of Islamic politics.
He advised students to take advantage of college opportunities to focus on developing and increasing their own capacities further. Learn more, read more, have discussions and participate in self-development activities inside and outside the classroom.
"I hope that the new students who are here today will become the generation that plays an important role for this nation. later. Show your work, show innovation and show achievement. Proud of parents, proud of alma mater. We need young people who have work and innovation for society," he said motivating.
Dean's Message to Freshmen
On another occasion, FISH Dean Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, S.Pd., M.Pd., advised new students to be serious about learning and developing their own abilities and competencies. The development of the world in the future will be more challenging. Moreover, facing the era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) which is full of uncertainties requires learning agility. tend to be sudden or abrupt. New students must be able to adapt to change. Adaptation is not apathetic, but moving to learn, upgrade yourself, take advantage of opportunities to generate innovation.
“ Freshmen must be able to synergize, collaborate, and have global competitiveness to win this competition. The faculty continues to improve, including providing the best service through SI DILAN (Service Digitalization Information System). In it there is a menu of e-letters, e-legalization, eco-complaints, e-bookings, and so on," he said.
Finally, the dean and the big FISH family welcomed all the freshmen on campus, the champions. "May Allah SWT always provide mercy, guidance, and protection for all of us," he hoped. [*]
Photo: Photo documentation of East Java Kominfo young people-must-take-part-offer-the-state-concept)
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