unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - Has competencies that open career opportunities in the business and industry are the desires of many young people. That's what is offered Faculty of Vocational SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) Through 13 Study Programs that can be selected on the SNBP, SNBT and Mandiri 2025 pathway.
Dean Faculty of Vocational , Suprapto said that the Faculty of Vocational Unesa continues to transform as the leading vocational higher education in Indonesia, which has a vision as the organizer of applied higher education to print graduates with character, tough, adaptive, innovative, and entrepreneurial spirit.
Faculty of Vocational different from other faculties in Unesa, at least from several aspects. First, vocational is the only faculty that does not have an educational study program alias only has pure study programs.
Secondly, a faculty that applies applied knowledge that produces applied graduate graduates. Third, lecture systems are based on theory and direct practice in the business world, work and industry. Fourth, product based on market and industrial products.Deputy Dean I of Vocational, Reza Rahmadian said that the Vocational Faculty currently has 13 study programs that prospective new students can choose on the acceptance pathway in 2025. .
"Regarding lectures, we adopt two models namely case study and project based learning or PBL. The project that is done is real according to market demand, and that students immediately work on of course in the guidance and assistance of lecturers, "explained Reza.
This faculty also brought many practitioners from the industrial world to teach and strengthen student experience. For example, in the field of sports, fitness practitioners or their owners are presented as teaching teams.
too, in the field of media development presented are media practitioners or media voters. It supports the development of competencies and strengthening students' final projects in the form of market or industrial standard products. For this reason, many vocational graduates are drawn by the industry and become entrepreneurs.
Deputy Dean II of Vocational, Abdul Hafidz said, Vocational has three teaching factory or Tefa that supports the development of student competencies, namely vasdeva in the field of fashion, canvanesa in the coga field, and vocafit in the field sport.
Teaching Factory is also a differentiator with other faculties. From Tefa which accommodates the work or innovation of lecturers and students has generated extraordinary income for institutions.
"Vocational continues to grow, including aspects of facilities that support lectures and make students comfortable and can be creative there. For example, there will be an exhibition later, because later there will be a new building for four floors for vocational, "said Abdul Hafidz.
As for the list of applied scholars study programs in the Faculty of Vocational as follows:
Streaming Talk about the Faculty of Vocational Unesa: Check here
Information about the Faculty, Study Program, and Revenue Path at Unesa: CEK HERE
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