Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - The performance of the Human Resources Field of Surabaya State University (Unesa) shows a variety of proud achievements at the national level. For this reason, optimization and transformation continue to be carried out, one of which is through the Gebyar Unesa HR service in 2025.
The activities held by the Directorate of Human Resources Unesa for three days, Friday-Sunday, 21-23 January 2025 is targeting all Civitas, namely lecturers and tendons in several series. The first day there was a Talkshow of Financial Management, BPJS Services, and Old Age Security with Mitra; Bank BTN, BPJS Health, BPJS Employment, and Taspen.
The second day, there is a step into the professor. The third day, discussing the mechanism and level of academic positions in maximizing the implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education in Unesa. The Chancellor of Unesa, Nurhasan or Cak Hasan was also present in this activity to provide several direction.
Cak Hasan appreciated and expected the activity This is an important leap for the progress of PTN-BH UNESA. The progress of a tertiary institution, he continued, is very much determined by the quality of human resources, which can work together and up-grade their abilities.
Deputy Rector II for Law, Management, Finance, Resources, and Effort , saying that this activity is a good idea, as an effort to accommodate all potential and optimize Unesa.
for him, the biggest strength or investment of an institution is not just an abundant nominal matter, a large building, or land broad, but quality resources or people. The human aspect becomes the core or core of the progress of PTN-BH.
Activities that are cooperating with a number of partners are expected to be able to encourage the Unesa community so that they can work more optimally supported by financial literacy, employment, and how to face old age.
"Rector and Leaders hope for the event This can be used to get direct information from speakers or partners about what is done to optimize and maximize the existing resources, "said the Professor of Curriculum Development.
On the second day, the activity titled 'one step towards the professor , 'Vice Chancellor II emphasizes that academic degrees such as professors, for example not for personal interests, but for the benefit of institutions. he has. In addition, Eligible Unesa is strongly influenced by the number of professors.
"Therefore, I hope friends can summarize the file to be directed at the proposal of the professor. From the speakers present, we can find out what needs to be prepared and how the new method of assessing the new method is applied, "said the Professor of Curriculum Development. [Public Relations Team]
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