Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA- UPT Public Relations, State University of Surabaya received a visit from students of the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program, Faculty of Da'wah IAIN Salatiga, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at the LP3M UNESA Building, Lidah Wetan Campus. The event was attended by the Head of the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program along with IAIN Salatiga Lecturers and 123 students.
Head of UNESA Public Relations Unit, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., in her speech said that the visit was the first since the Covid-19 outbreak. “Yesterday, there were visits, but they were institutional in nature. Only this time, there are really many," he said.
According to the UNESA Communication Studies lecturer, the visit is very important in addition to being able to stay in touch academically, as well as sharing experiences and exchanging ideas in many ways. Universities are indeed the time to synergize and collaborate. "Hopefully during this visit, we can share experiences that will improve the quality of human resources and governance and public relations services for both parties," he hoped.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program, Dra. Hj. Maryatim, M.Pd. said that there were actually many things that he wanted to discuss with UNESA, but because the KKL (Field Work Course) program was a regular program, visits and discussions were limited in nature.
During the visit, the students received material on public relations. The first material was Unesa Public Relations in Branding and Media Relations Perspectives which was delivered by the Head of UNESA Public Relations Unit, Vinda Maya Setianigrum S.Sos., MA, and the second material was Social Media Management which was delivered by the UNESA Social Media team, Galuh Gita Indrajayani, S.Ikom .
After hearing the presentation of the technical main tasks and strategic programs of UNESA Public Relations, one of the participants, Farhan Ibrahim Nur from the class of 2019 said that public relations performance was not limited to building good relations with other parties and institutions. Branding and image of the institution also has a high portion. "I just found out, the job of public relations is also branding and building an image," he said in a discussion session.
After receiving materials and exchanging souvenirs between campuses, IAIN Salatiga students had the opportunity to be able to do a Campus Tour with UNESA Boys and Girls 2021. They circled the Unesa Lidah Wetan Campus using bicycles, namely to the Lab. Freedom to Learn, Horse Riding Field and entering the Unesa Public Relations Office to find out the process of producing news, magazines and information about UNESA which is located on the 1st and 2nd Floors of the Unesa Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan. [UNESA PR]
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