Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) and the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a Coordination meeting for RPL Village Student Lectures in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room, Lp3 Building, Lidah Wetan Campus on Friday (08/04/2022).
From the Kemendes PDTT, the Head of the Human Resources Development Agency and PMDDTT, Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd and her staff. Meanwhile, from UNESA, the Head of Lp3 was present, Dr. Bactiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., and his staff. In this meeting, the team discussed many things regarding RPL, starting from escorting funding and preparing the RPL to be completed within 2 years in accordance with the work plan.
Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd., stated that the difference between regular students and RPL Desa students is that RPL students can write their final assignments where they look for problems that come from their respective villages. Second, the provision of guest lectures where the participants are lecturers and students zooming in on the material about the Village SDGs.
"I believe some of the lecturers and students need a comprehensive picture of the Village SDGs," he added. "Furthermore, the Village Academy program is sought to increase the impressions of the Village Academy YouTube channel. At least each study program has two taps together with UNY where this event is carried out as a learning medium in RPL itself," he explained.

Meanwhile, Bactiar S Bachri explained that there are several things that need to be considered, including data synchronization of scholarship recipients from regional, central and tertiary institutions. In addition, there is also a collective work agreement (PKB) for the Bojonegoro RPL relating to finances and activities that must be prepared immediately for the smooth running of the program.
This short meeting was also attended by Dr. Harmanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Awang Dharmawan, S.Ikom., M.A from FISH, Drs. Budi Jarwanto from BAKPK, I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana, S.Kom., M.Kom from FT, Muhammad Farid Ilhamudin, S.Pd., M.Pd from FIP, Junita Diah Pratiwi, S.E. and Robbiyatul Jannah, S.E. from LP3 and the chairman of BPSDM Dr. Fujiartanto, S.IP, MM, M.Si, M.A. and its ranks. [UNESA PR]
Author : Fiona
Edit : @zam*
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