Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) continues to show its quality, excellence and achievements at the national and international levels. The latest, the campus with the motto "Growing with Character" won the national 1st place in the Main Performance Indicators League (IKU), State University Public Service Agency (PTN BLU) in 2022. UNESA entered the top 10 percent with an achievement value of 72 points and a growth of 129.
The award was handed over by the Acting Director General of Higher Education, Kemendikbudristek, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, Asean Eng., and received directly by the Chancellor of UNESA Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.Kes., in Jakarta on Monday, June 27, 2022. “Alhamdulillah, UNESA's performance and achievements continue to accelerate. This is due to the cooperation of all parties and ranks, including the ministry team who continue to provide guidance and direction," said Cak Hasan.
He added, in addition to getting many scores in the BLU PTN category in general, UNESA also excelled in the IKU-2. Cak Hasan explained, IKU-2 relates to students getting off-campus experience which UNESA has intensified in the last few years. "In accordance with the MBKM program Mas Minister (Mendikbudristek, ed), we at UNESA continue to encourage these students to actually be able to study on and off campus," he said.
Off campus, UNESA has established many collaborations with domestic and foreign partners. This collaboration is part of strengthening student experience in the business and industrial world (DUDI) through programs including work internships or industrial internships. “Our effort is that before students graduate, they can work, at least freelance. Then after graduating, they can demonstrate competence in the business and industrial world (DUDI)," he explained.
UNESA is not complacent, the achievements obtained this year will continue to be improved in the future. Cak Hasan targets the other seven KPI points to be increased again. The other KPIs referred to are KPI-1; Graduates have found decent jobs. IKU-3: Lecturers have activities outside the campus. IKU-4; Practitioners teach on campus. IKU-5: Lecturer's work is used by the community. IKU-6: Study program in collaboration with world-class partners. IKU-7: Collaborative and participatory class. IKU-8: International standard study program.
This increase is not only to achieve champions or achievements. However, it is further to provide the best quality of education, performance and services for the community. “IKU is no joke. This is an important benchmark for higher education performance. Our commitment to increase points is not just winning. However, as evidence of quality and quality towards PTN BH which will soon be carried by UNESA plus becoming an international standard university, "he said.
Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., added that to support the implementation of MBKM at UNESA, including strengthening the IKU, UNESA has collaborated with thousands of domestic and foreign partners. Domestically, UNESA recorded collaborations with 5,966 partners. Then for abroad, UNESA has partnered with 329 world institutions or institutions.
The cooperation covers various fields. Starting from the field of internship cooperation, scholarships, collaborative research, publications to student and lecturer exchanges. “This is intended so that lecturers and students can continue to get learning opportunities and improve their abilities in institutions, business and industry. That way, UNESA lecturers and graduates can compete on an international scale. Anyway, we encourage graduates to have quality and be able to compete in the international world,” said Sujarwanto.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., said that so far many breakthroughs have been made to maximize the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education at UNESA, one of which is through the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) program which continues to be intensified. In addition, it also encourages study programs (prodi) to have international accreditation. "UNESA's target is not only at PTN BH, but further to become a world class university (WCU)," said the Gubes Linguistics, Faculty of Languages and Arts.
Currently, UNESA has a total of 74 study programs under eight (7) faculties and one vocational program. Of the total existing study programs, there are currently 23 internationally accredited study programs, both ASIIN and AQAS. “Other study programs are in the process of international accreditation. Hopefully in the future, internationally accredited study programs can reach even more than 50 percent of the total existing study programs. Then the UNESA IKU value can continue to increase and experience growth, "said Prof. Bambang. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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